
Repressive Israeli Legislation


Repressive Israeli Legislation

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Fascists, Zionist zealots and religious fundamentalists run Israel. It shows in how the Netanyahu regime and his predecessors persecute Palestinians.

It’s clear from its repressive legislation. In its year end review, the Association of Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) explained an increasingly disturbing trend.

Democratic values were undermined long ago, things worse than ever under Netanyahu, his coalition partners, and other hardliners infesting the Knesset.

ACRI: “(T)he role of civil society; protection of human rights (including) freedom of expression, the right to protest, and respect for the underlying value of equality” are severely eroded.

There’s “no mutual respect and willingness to genuinely listen and discuss with those who disagree with the majority…”

Tyranny of the majority rules. Voices critical of regime policies are increasingly silenced.

Political opponents, human rights groups, and minority interests are considered enemies of the state. Violating their political and civil rights is common practice.

Freedom of expression, assembly and association, the right to dissent, notions of equality and human dignity, as well as views diverging from the official narrative have been increasingly undermined – police state ruthlessness replacing them.

Israel’s deplorable state isn’t new, just increasingly worse over time, repression dominating tolerance. Basic rights for ordinary Jews eroded greatly.

They’re nonexistent for Arab citizens and occupied Palestinians – the rule of law consistently abandoned.

Legislation enacted or pending did enormous damage to Israeli society, “creating a chilling effect on institutions” and ordinary people, ACRI explained.

Legislation advanced to restrict Supreme Court authority. Other measures aim to undermine the president, state comptroller, attorney general, and a free and open media.

The NGO law restricts activities of human rights organizations, aiming to sabotage and render them ineffective, ultimately wanting them silenced.

The Nation State of the Jewish People Law undermines the remnants of Arab minority rights, including silencing their call to prayer.

Legislation restricts or bans entry into Israel for individuals or groups supporting BDS, imposing penalties for contempt of the flag, and limits or abandons funding for cultural groups based on their political agenda.

The education ministry restricts religious pluralism. A measure introduced declares Breaking the Silence an unlawful association.

A V15 bill seeks to limit the activities of non-party political bodies aiming to influence election outcomes.

A Freedom of Information measure seeks to deny NGOs receiving legitimate foreign funding the tax exemption afforded other non-profits groups.

The so-called Soros Law aims to prosecute organizations whose views diverge from official ones – holding ‘“show trials” presided over by MKs opposing them.

The Nation-State of the Jewish People Basic Law proposes prioritizing Israel’s Jewishness over democratic rights long ago abandoned.

The Disqualification of Member of the Knesset bill aims to eliminate or suspend Arab MKs.

The proposed Human Dignity and Liberty amendment seeks to empower the Knesset to violate rights enshrined in Israel’s Basic Law.

Proposed Initiatives to Boycott Israel aims to silence dissent. 

These and other proposed and enacted laws continue a disturbing trend, instituting tyranny, abolishing democratic values – mocking the notion of Israel as a free and open society.

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