
Relentless Russia Bashing


Relentless Russia Bashing

by Stephen Lendman

Washington and Britain are allied in waging political, economic, and propaganda war on Russia.

Phony Skripal and other accusations against the Kremlin have no evidence proving them. A year-and-a-half after blaming Moscow for interfering in America’s 2016 presidential election, the US intelligence community has yet to release any proof corroborating it.

Clearly, there is none. If it existed, it would have been revealed long ago. The same holds for the Skripal incident. Two months after it occurred, no evidence links it to Russia - just baseless accusations with nothing backing them.

Undeterred, Britain intends using four international forums this year, calling for intensified political, economic and propaganda war Russia, using the Skripal and Douma false flags as justification - the March EU summit, G7 June session, NATO leaders meeting in July, and Nov. 30/Dec. 1 G20 summit.

According to a Whitehall statement, “the foreign secretary regards (the Skripal incident and) Russia’s response to Douma and Salisbury as a turning point and thinks there is international support to do more,” adding:

“The areas the UK are most likely to pursue are countering Russian disinformation (sic) and finding a mechanism to enforce accountability for the use of chemical weapons.”

Theresa May’s regime argues that Russian denials about harming the Skripals and involvement in the Douma incident indicate it’s concealing the truth - a bald-faced lie.

Former UK Foreign Office official Alicia Kearns disgracefully called Russia a “malign” state with “no commitment or adherence to the truth” - how Washington and Britain operate, not Moscow.

Russophobic Tory MP Tom Tugendhat falsely and maliciously accused Putin of waging an information war designed to turn our strongest asset - freedom of speech - against us. Russia is trying to fix us through deception.”

Sergey Lavrov and Russia’s UK embassy countered false accusations of Kremlin involvement in the Skripal incident.

Whatever harmed father and daughter wasn’t Novichok, a military-grade nerve agent, a drop able to kill 10 or more people in minutes.

OPCW head Ahmet Uzumcu embarrassed himself, saying the Skripal incident involved use of “a quarter cup to a half cup of Novichok (50 - 100 gms),” enough to wipe out all of Salisbury and perhaps surrounding areas with it.

An agency spokesperson’s damage control statement didn’t help, saying the amount used couldn’t be quantified, likely milligrams, not grams. If a liquid substance was used, it’s measured in milliliters, not milligrams.

The OPCW can only identify the substance Britain gave the organization to analyze - clearly unrelated to what harmed the Skripals, based on its remarks.

UK officials and media have been bashing Russia relentlessly since the incident occurred, falsely claiming only Moscow had the technical means and motive to stage it - a baseless accusation.

Washington and Britain are conspiratorially allied against Russia. Efforts by the Kremlin to improve relations with both countries are foolhardy and futile.

Things keep getting worse, not better. It’s just a matter of time before the next anti-Russia false flag occurs, a slippery slope toward increasingly likely East/West confrontation.

Russia’s only sound course is preparing for the worst - to be ready for whatever lies ahead. US/UK hostility toward its security is too menacing to ignore.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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