
Regime Change in Syria Remains US Policy


Regime Change in Syria Remains US Policy

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

In Geneva after meeting with pro-Western UN Syrian envoy Staffan de Mistura, Rex Tillerson sounded like political prostitute Nikki Haley, saying “the reign of the Assad family is coming to an end,” adding:

“The United States wants a whole and unified Syria with no role for Bashar Assad in the government. (T)he only issue is how that should be brought about.”

Russia and America are world’s apart on Syria. The Kremlin strongly supports its sovereign independence and territorial integrity, along with the right of its people to choose who’ll lead them – free from foreign interference.

In June 2014 presidential elections, Assad triumphed overwhelmingly, international monitors calling the process open, free and fair.

If he ran for reelection today, he’d again win by a landslide. Syrians want no one else leading them. They despise interference by Washington, NATO and their rogue regional allies.

Russia is committed to help its ally defeat US-supported terrorists. On Thursday, Vladimir Putin explained that over 90% of Syrian territory was liberated from ISIS and other terrorists, saying:

“I would like once again to thank our military servicemen who take part in the counterterrorism operation in Syria. It was possible to radically reverse the situation thanks to their courage, precise and professional actions and valor.”

“Military operations against terrorists, and, let me emphasize that these are not some poorly organized gangs, these are well-equipped, trained and generously sponsored and motivated groups, have shown that the capabilities of the Russian Aerospace Forces, our army and navy have qualitatively increased.” 

“We need to push ahead with efforts to boost this potential, introduce new weapon systems and improve the effectiveness of combat training.”

On Monday, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said ISIS used to control over 70% of Syrian territory before Russian aerial operations began in September 2015.

Now it’s around 5%. Russian warplanes destroyed over 900 terrorist training camps, many of their weapons and munitions, hundreds of their manufacturing workshops, killing tens of thousands of takfiris, including key commanders.

Nearly 1,000 cities, towns and villages were liberated, a remarkable turnaround from where things stood before Russia’s intervention at the request of Damascus.

Its de-mining experts eliminate about 1,500 explosive devices daily – left by ISIS and other US-supported terrorists.

Liberating Syria entirely has a long way to go because Washington wants endless war and regime change, not peace, stability and respect for the nation’s sovereignty.

Tillerson’s remarks show America didn’t wage war on Syria to quit. Russia has its hands full. Defeating terrorists is one thing, ridding the country of Washington’s illegal presence another altogether.

Its goal is destroying Syrian sovereignty, plundering its resources and exploiting its people. 

Russia is committed to prevent this from happening.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."