
Rebellion from Captivity in Eastern Ghouta?


Rebellion Against Captivity in Eastern Ghouta?

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Since 2013, countless thousands of Eastern Ghouta civilians have been held captive by US-supported terrorists - preventing them from fleeing to safety.

Syrian General Hetham Hassun compared the enclave to East Aleppo before its liberation by Syrian and allied forces, greatly aided by Russian airpower.

Jihadists throughout Syria are supported by Washington, NATO, Israel and their rogue partners, supplying them with heavy weapons, Pentagon contractors training them in use of chemical weapons - when used falsely blamed on Assad.

Discussing conditions in Eastern Ghouta, the last major terrorist stronghold in Syria, Hassun said “(t)his is not the first time that the US and Western countries have signaled their support to armed terrorist groups,” adding:

“We witnessed similar information and diplomatic campaigns to support jihadists before the liberation of Aleppo and Homs.” 

“Now exactly the same is taking place in Ghouta. Western countries train and provide militants with weapons and essential goods. They also provide information support” to jihadists.

Washington turned Eastern Ghouta into a “terrorist stronghold.” Civilians in Idlib province are also held captive by US-supported terrorists.

So are thousands of Rukban refugee camp civilians - discussed in earlier articles. US forces operating illegally in southeastern Syria continue blocking humanitarian aid from reaching them.

On Friday, Russian reconciliation center in Syria spokesman General Vladimir Zolotukhin revealed evidence of perhaps the beginning of civilian rebellion against jihadists in Eastern Ghouta, saying:

“There is information that some civic activists are forming small armed groups, planning to break the militants’ blockade and reach areas controlled by the government.”

Clashes with US-supported terrorists left four civilians and three jihadists dead. Dire humanitarian conditions exist in the enclave.

Militants continue shelling access routes to Russia’s humanitarian corridor. Snipers use live fire on civilians trying to leave. 

Conditions are “strained. Since (Friday), snipers have been shelling at approaches to (the humanitarian corridor) check points, Zolotukhin explained, adding they fire on anyone trying to reach access routes.

According to Zolotukhin, numbers of residents calling for help to flee from jihadist control increased markedly - explaining dire conditions in captivity and jihadist brutality.

Two children managed to escape, helped by government forces. “(M)edics and psycholgists are working with them,” Zolotukhin explained.

Throughout years of US-led aggression in Syria, committing high crimes of war and against humanity, Assad has been falsely blamed.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Hussein is a mouthpiece for US imperial ruthlessness.

On Friday, he disgracefully blamed Syria for what’s going on, calling Assad and other officials “perpetrators of…crimes,” vowing “they will be held accountable for what they have done,” adding:

“Syria(n) (officials) must be referred to the International Criminal Court” for prosecution - ignoring US-led responsibility for turning the country into a charnel house.

Syrian forces liberated “a half dozen (Eastern Ghouta) localities in the last 24 hours,” according to AMN news.

Russian aerial operations struck a terrorist convoy attempting a counteroffensive - forcing “surviving elements to retreat,” AMN news explained.

The battle to liberate Eastern Ghouta from US-supported terrorists continues. It’s just a matter of time until trapped civilians are again free.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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