
US Reacts to Russian Super-Weapons


US Reacts to Russian Super-Weapons

by Stephen Lendman

They’re technologically advanced, formidable enough to give Washington pause about attacking Russia’s heartland and strategic sites, including:

  • a 200-ton Sarmat ICBM able to successfully breach ABM defenses

  • a low-flying stealth nuclear-powered cruise missile with a far greater range than US ones

  • a nuclear-powered, high-speed, unmanned submersible vehicle - able to operate undetected at great ocean depths, armed with conventional or nuclear missiles

  • a new hypersonic missile with greater than Mach-5 speed (Mach-1 the speed of sound), carrying nuclear or conventional warheads, able to penetrate ABM defenses

  • new hypersonic, high-precision missiles able to “hit targets at inter-continental distance and can adjust their altitude and course as they travel,” Putin explained

  • significant progress made in laser weapons technology, Putin called a new “cutting-edge system”

The Saker called Putin’s revelations “stunning, truly tectonic…(F)rom now US aircraft carrier battle groups can only be used against small, defenseless, nations!”

“It is indeed set, match and game over for the Empire: there is no more military option against Russia.” 

Strong stuff Pentagon commanders understand. Their public reaction belied their concern.

Spokeswoman Dana White downplayed Russia’s strategic military advantage, saying “(w)e’ve been watching Russia for a long time. We’re not surprised,” adding:

“America is moving forward to modernize our nuclear arsenal and make sure our capabilities aren’t being matched.”

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders boastfully claimed “US defense capabilities are and will remain second to none, and now because of the new defense budget of $700 billion our military will be far stronger than ever.” 

“As the president’s nuclear posture review made clear, America is moving forward to modernize our nuclear arsenal and ensure our capabilities are unmatched.”

State Department spokesman Heather Nauert’s response to Russian super-weapons was hostile, turning truth on its head saying:

“That is certainly a concern of ours. President Putin has confirmed what the United States Government has known for a long time, that Russia has denied prior to this: that Russia has been developing destabilizing weapon systems for more than a decade, in direct violation of its treaty obligations.”

False! Russian super-weapons fully comply with its international treaty obligations. A statement by Russia’s embassy in Washington said Moscow “has not violated a single arms control and non-proliferation agreement while developing its nuclear potential.”

US claims otherwise are unfounded. Nauert lied saying “Russia has been developing destabilizing weapons systems for more than a decade in direct violation of its treaty obligations” - a dubious distinction applying to Washington, not Moscow.

In his state of the nation address, Putin candidly said “Russia’s growing military strength is not a threat to anyone. We have never had any plans to use this potential for offensive, let alone aggressive, goals.”

Throughout the Russian Federation’s history since 1991, it never attacked another country. America does it repeatedly, permanently at war on humanity.

Its rage for global dominance risks WW III by accident or design. Advanced Russian super-weapons are the most effective deterrent to prevent it.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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