Raging Israeli Violence on Palestinians
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)
It’s ongoing daily throughout the Occupied Territories without letup – notably against Gazans on Great March of Return Fridays since March 30.
It raged Sunday at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest site. Around 1,000 extremist settlers, along with dozens of Netanyahu regime intelligence operatives, stormed the compound, heavily protected by Israeli security forces.
Islamic Waqf guard Muhammad al-Salhi was arrested after settlers assaulted him, other guards assaulted by Israeli police.
Videos showed Israeli forces violently attacking Palestinian worshipers in the compound. A Palestinian child was brutally beaten and arrested.
On Monday, Washington breached international law and tradition, its Jerusalem embassy opening at 4:00 PM local time – in its consular facility.
Beginning on Sunday, Israel instituted harsh measures to confront Monday Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege protests.
They’re expected to peak later in the day, protesting against Washington’s Jerusalem embassy opening, along with commemorating Nakba Day Tuesday, beginning on Monday.
Along with snipers, Israel deployed tanks, bulldozers, water pumping vehicles and heavy equipment along the Gaza border.
IDF forces established a barbed wire fence dozens of meters inside the existing one. Drones dropped leaflets, warning Gazans not to demonstrate. Aerial firebombs were launched on border area encampments.
Toxic wastewater was pumped on Palestinian farmland bordering Israel. A bloody Monday began early, peaceful Palestinian protests ongoing in Gaza, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Hebron, Jericho, and Nablus, as well as in other West Bank cities and towns, many thousands involved.
Palestinians are protesting against the opening of Washington’s Jerusalem embassy, along with Nakba Day, and occupation harshness, blockaded Gazans harmed most of all.
Joint (Arab) List MK Yousef Jabareen said his party members will protest in front of Washington’s Jerusalem embassy, saying:
“Today is a dark day for seekers of justice and peace. Transferring the embassy to Jerusalem is a spit in the face of the international community, and critically impedes the chance for peace in the entire region,” adding:
East Jerusalem has been “occupied territory since 1967,” illegally annexed in violation of international law. The alliance between “pyromaniac” Trump and Netanyahu ruthlessness threatens regional and world peace.
Israel transformed historic Palestine into an apartheid Jewish state harsher than South Africa’s apartheid rule.
Ruthless barbarism defines it, making equitable conflict resolution unattainable. The so-called peace process was a colossal hoax from inception, remaining this way today.
Despotic Arab regimes are increasingly friendly with Israel, dismissive of Palestinian rights.
The Nakba never ended, facilitated by PA complicity with Israel, the ruling Fatah party serving as its enforcer, betraying its own people.
US support for Israeli ruthlessness, along with international dismissiveness toward Palestinian rights, makes liberation from occupation harshness unattainable.
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