
Putin Getting Away with Murder in Syria?


Putin Getting Away with Murder in Syria?

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

According to the CIA, through its Washington Post house organ, “Bashar al-Assad is conducting a brutal and criminal offensive against its own population, with the support of Russia and Iran.” 

“Warplanes have been pounding the suburban Damascus area known as Eastern Ghouta, targeting hospitals, apartment buildings and other civilian sites.” 

“In the week that ended last Sunday, relief organizations reported at least 541 people killed and 1,500 wounded.” 

“On Sunday, hours after the UN Security Council passed a resolution mandating a 30-day cease-fire, the offensive intensified: Ground forces launched an assault on five fronts, and opposition sources reported that chlorine gas had been used in at least one area.”

Fact: Syria was invaded by ISIS, al-Nusra, and other US-supported terrorists, responsible for gruesome atrocities on the ground, including use of chemical weapons against civilians, falsely blamed on Damascus.

Fact: Terrorists are supported by US-led terror-bombing, massacring civilians, destroying vital Syrian infrastructure, targeting residential areas, hospitals and other civilian sites.

Fact: Syrian and allied forces, greatly aided by Russian airpower, are combating US-supported terrorists - a campaign to liberate the country from their scourge, along with US occupation of northern and southern territory.

Fact: Syrian aerial and ground operations in Eastern Ghouta aim to liberate the enclave from years of control by al-Nusra and likeminded hostile elements.

Fact: WaPo’s report, and numerous other like it, consistently turn truth on its head - blaming victims for US-led high crimes.

Vladimir Putin and Russia’s military deserve high praise, not condemnation. 

WaPo: “On Monday, Mr. Putin (established) a daily “humanitarian pause” to allow the evacuation of civilians and entry of aid.” 

“Moscow said it would begin on Tuesday, but - to the surprise of virtually no one - no such action was taken. Instead, the assault goes on.”

Shelling and intimidation by US-supported terrorists prevent Eastern Ghouta residents from leaving. WaPo suppressed what demands explaining.

WaPo: Putin is “openly defying the Security Council while helping (Assad) overrun (Eastern Ghouta), show(ing) no interest in the UN negotiations.”

All of the above is typical WaPo disinformation - a propaganda broadsheet, not a legitimate one, mocking what journalism is supposed to be about.

The same goes for other Western media, notably on geopolitical issues, especially on war and peace as well as anything about Russia.

Disinformation, fake news and Big Lies substitute for truth-telling - America and other Western societies fed a daily diet of utter rubbish on issues mattering most.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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