
Putin Disgracefully Blamed for Skripal Poisoning


Putin Disgracefully Blamed for Skripal Poisoning

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Clearly neither Moscow or Vladimir Putin personally had anything to do with allegedly poisoning former spy/double agent Sergey Skripal with a nerve agent in Britain.

On Friday, UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson embarrassed himself more than already, saying it’s “overwhelmingly likely” that Putin ordered his assassination, “direct(ing) use of a nerve agent on the streets of the UK, on the streets of Europe, for the first time since the Second World War.”

“That is why we are at odds with Russia.” Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov justifiably called his accusation “shocking and unpardonable diplomatic misconduct.”

Johnson, Theresa May, Defense Secretary Williamson, and other bipartisan UK hardliners plunged a dagger into the heart of relations with Russia, causing irreparable damage - not correctable under current conditions.

It’s shocking indeed how low politics in Britain has sunk, matching dismal Russian/US relations, a step closer to direct confrontation, a red line never to cross.

Responding to UK Defense Minister Williamson disgracefully telling Russia to “go away and shut up,” Sergey Lavrov maintained his diplomatic composure, saying Moscow no longer pays attention to these type remarks, explaining:

Williamson “probably wants to get a place in history by making bold statements. Theresa May now has ‘highly possible’ as her main argument backing Russia’s alleged guilt.” Williamson’s unacceptable remark shows “(m)aybe he lacks upbringing,” adding:

He can’t recall this type language ever used against Russia throughout his long diplomatic career. “We have long stopped paying attention to this and neither do we get excited by the rolling out of new sanctions against Russia,” Lavrov stressed.

It’s hard imagining how anyone lacking tact, common sense, and knowledge of what diplomacy is supposed to be could be selected for any public position, especially high-profile ones like foreign relations and defense.

Most important is what follows. Hostile rhetoric is one thing, confrontational actions another.

US-installed NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg pushed things in this direction, saying the alliance should respond to Russia “in a measured way” - turning truth on its head, calling the Skripal incident part of a “reckless pattern of Russian behavior over many years.”

Adding NATO wants to avoid another Cold War with Russia, he ignored how intensively it’s raging. 

Washington launched it. Britain and other rogue US partners support it - a reckless agenda risking WW III by accident or design.

Do any cool heads in the West exist? Are any paying attention? Will any challenge the official destructive narrative, strongly debunking it?

Will any stand tall for world peace and stability, denouncing US-imperial wars, urging others to unite against “the scourge of (global) war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind…?

Einstein once said he didn’t know what weapons would be used in WW III, adding “World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

Today his ominous observation risks becoming reality given the deplorable state of things, greatly worsened by the manufactured Skripal incident Russia had nothing to do with!

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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