
Protests in Iran: Made in the USA and Israel


Protests in Iran: Made in the USA and Israel

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Protests in Tehran and other Iranian cities have a familiar character to them. They don’t erupt spontaneously. They’re manufactured, needing leadership. 

Color revolutions are a US specialty, numerous ones staged earlier. Orange revolution 2.0, the most recent previous one, ousted Ukraine’s democratic government, replacing it with putschist tyranny.

What’s happening in Iran since December 28 followed agreement by Trump and Netanyahu to confront Iran, wanting its government toppled, replaced by pro-Wester puppet rule.

What’s going on for the past five days appears to be another attempted color revolution - doomed to fail, war perhaps the alternative follow-up option, the favored strategy of Washington and Tel Aviv.

On New Year’s day, Iran’s Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Commission chairman Alaeddin Boroujerdi said “a major part of recent demonstrations has been organized by foreign, anti-revolutionary elements.” 

“They spread propaganda and manipulated public sentiment and the rightful demands of the people,” adding:

They’ll be addressed and handled equitably, “depriv(ing) enemies of the Islamic revolution of the opportunity to manipulate the present situation further.

On Sunday, two individuals were lethally shot in Dorud, a western Iranian city. According to Lorestan province political and security affairs official Habibollah Khojastepour, “no bullet was fired by military, law enforcement, and security forces at the people.”

Were pro-Western provocateurs responsible, perhaps recruited by the CIA or Mossad?

Khojastepour blamed the presence of Takfiri and “hostile groups…directed by foreign intelligence services.”

Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council Mohsen Rezayee slammed US interference in the country’s internal affairs, warning “US meddlesome policy…will not remain unanswered.”

According to Iranian television, 12 fatalities have occurred as of New Year’s day, without further elaboration. During the US orchestrated 2013/14 Euromaidan coup d’etat, Kiev snipers killed protesters and police.

Something similar is going on in Iran. Were CIA and/or Mossad-recruited assassins responsible for lethal shootings?

Iranian security forces are dedicated to preserving and protecting the Islamic Republic. They’re able to deal with the current situation and restore order.

How much longer will it take? How many more Iranians will foreign dark forces kill or injure before it’s achieved?

On Sunday, President Hassan Rouhani explained Iranians are free to criticize their government publicly, saying:

“We are a free nation, and based on the Constitution and citizenship rights, people are completely free to express their criticism and even their protest” - provided they act nonviolently, adding:

Iranians may openly express views on all issues. “We believe that the government and the country belong to the people, and the people must properly express what they want.”

“We must not allow an atmosphere to be created in the country under which supporters of the revolution and people will be concerned about their lives and security.”

At the same time, Rouhani slammed Trump, saying he’s “against the Iranian nation from head to toe has no right to feel sorry” for its people he doesn’t give a damn about.

As expected, Western media reports have been one-sided, expressing hostility toward Iranian governance.

On CBS Sunday’s Face the Nation, neocon Senator Lindsey Graham called for Trump “to lay out a plan” to confront Iran.

Does he have another US imperial war in mind, Washington’s favored strategy!

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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