
How Propaganda Vilifies Syria and Russia


How Propaganda Vilifies Syria and Russia

by Stephen Lendman

Damascus, Russia and allied forces are valiantly combating US-supported terrorists in Syria.

Yet they’re disgracefully blamed for high crimes committed by Washington, its coalition partners, and terrorist foot soldiers.

Western and other anti-Syria media reports cite information from al-Qaeda-linked White Helmets, the UK/US-funded Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, and other disreputable sources, ignoring reliable independent ones.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, along with senior UN human rights and other officials are on the wrong side of the Syrian conflict, reporting disinformation, truth-telling abandoned.

The same goes for Western media, notably the NYT, CIA-connected Washington Post, CNN and other cable channels, US broadcast networks, Al Jazeera, the BBC, CBC, NPR, PBS and Democracy Now in America.

Some alternative news websites shamefully misreport the Syria story, abstaining from due diligence fact checking for accurate reporting.

East Ghouta is in the eye of the Syria storm, the last major US-supported terrorist stronghold in the country - government and Russian liberating operations underway, around half of the enclave freed.

Anti-Syria media reports claim over 900 civilian deaths since liberating operations began on February 18 - falsely blaming government and Russian ground and aerial operations. 

They ignore atrocities committed by US-supported terrorists, holding civilians hostage as human shields, shooting anyone trying to leave the enclave, brutalizing others taken alive, shelling Damascus residential areas, killing and wounding residents.

Fabricated reports of Syrian CW attacks continue. Legitimate incidents were carried out by US-supported terrorists.

Washington, other Western governments and supportive media falsely blame Syria, Russia and allied forces for high crimes committed by terrorist foot soldiers, US-led terror-bombing, and Turkish aggression around Afrin.

SC Res. 2401 imposed a 30-day ceasefire nationwide, continuing until late March, excluding operations against ISIS, al-Nusra, al-Qaeda and elements connected to them.

Syria and Russia are falsely accused of violating the resolution - flagrantly breached by Washington, its imperial partners, Turkey and terrorist foot soldiers alone.

Western and other anti-Syria media reports feature disinformation, truth-telling entirely abandoned.

That’s how propaganda wars work, supporting hot ones by willful deception - most people none the wiser.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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