
Prince Bandar bin Sultan linked to chem attacks in Syria

As we showed mere days ago, it appears the truth of who the real puppet-master in the Middle-East is becoming plainer to see. The incredibly frank discussion between Saudi’s spy-chief Prince Bandar and Russia’s Putin exposed a much deeper plot is afoot and the following details from the actual people on the ground in the chemically-attacked region […]

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The beer and wine conspiracy

Wine makers ‘pack bottles with artificial additives’ Wine makers are packing their bottles with artificial additives that reduce wine to “alcoholic cola”, according to an investigation. In some cases producers employ water, sugar and sometimes hydrochloric acid to ensure their wine has a uniform taste and consistency. The research into the quality of the 1.5 […]

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Death of SEO

Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) dead? SEO developed into a quasi-industry because of a few factors during the post .com boom, mostly supported by the domination of Google and the lack of technology understanding from users and businesses.  Businesses knew they needed to get ‘on the internets’  but few new what this meant.  So they […]

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Moocs changing concept of education

Lessons from online learning Will traditional university lectures one day be a thing of the past? Every time a new medium comes along, visionaries proclaim that education is about to be revolutionised. They did it when the cinema started more than 100 years ago. Then they said that radio would change everything. And TV. And […]

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End of the World Wide Web

The internet promised to change the world, change business, how we live, how society functions. Used for a long time for military, academic, scientific, and specific corporate use, consumer use of the WWW exploded in the mid to late 90’s being further fueled by the .com boom.  While B2B and enterprise applications were being developed […]

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Presenting The Numerous, Undisputed And Very Clear Signs That India’s Currency Was Set For An Epic Crash

Citizens of India have been watching, in stunned amazement, as over the past month the local currency has lost an unprecedented 15% of its value, with a record plunge taking place just last night [5]. And, as so often happens, the population habituated to a government “acting in its best interests” is asking itself – how could we […]

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August US Equity Trading Volume Plunges To Lowest In 16 Years

Earlier we showed one indicator of the US investor’s (should they exist anymore) loss of interest [4] in the Federal-Reserve-sponsored equity market – i.e. CNBC ratings at 20-year lows. In the interest of being more fair-and-balanced we present anther perspective… US equity trading volume in August of 2013 is the lowest on average in 16 years… and all-time highs, middle-east war, taper, […]

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450 On The S&P, Sub-1% 10 Year, And $10,000 Gold – Albert Edwards

It has been a while since Albert Edwards updated the world on his macro and market thoughts. He finally does so today with a tour de force on the crash in the emerging markets, which for him exposes the “idiocy of one of the key investment themes since the 2008 Great Recession – namely that […]

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PROTON, CLEARWATER and LEXIS-NEXIS Given the use of constitutionally repulsive practices by the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies, this information is being made public to educate and inform so they might arm themselves against government intrusion and for attorneys as a backgrounder for future appeals. I suggest American guerillas […]

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