
NYT Rubbish on Russian Spies Infesting London


NYT Rubbish on Russian Spies Infesting London

by Stephen Lendman ( Home – Stephen Lendman)

Russia’s good faith efforts for cooperative relations with all other countries are undermined by US-led hostility toward the country – including infesting it with CIA spies, operating from its Moscow embassy, consulates in other cities, and elsewhere.

According to Times disinformation, Russian spies followed “Putin’s opponents flock(ing) to London,” claiming they’re closely monitored – unlikely unless ex-pats pose a security threat.

At least most likely want to live normal lives, not perform services for the UK against their homeland.

The Times invented a scenario involving “men in dark suits (up to no good) sitting alone at emigre gatherings, dinner-party acquaintances rumored to be informants.”

What do ex-pats know to inform about even if they wished to do it, certainly no one living abroad for many years, unconnected to what’s going on in their homeland related to Russia’s security.

The Times: “Russia now has more intelligence agents deployed in London than at the height of the Cold War, former British intelligence officials have said.” 

“They serve a variety of functions, including building contacts among British politicians.” 

“But the most important task is to keep an eye on the hundreds of heavyweight Russians – those aligned with President Vladimir V. Putin, and those arrayed against him – who have built lives in Britain, attracted by its property market and banking system.”

Active MI 5 and MI6 operatives likely have incomplete information on Russian intelligence agents in Britain, former ones likely for the most part out-of-the-loop, not current or knowledgeable on what they used to be involved in.

The scenario the Times presented above reads like something from a Jean le Carre novel, not the current state of Russian/UK relations.

The Times: “The poisoning last week of Sergei V. Skripal, a retired Russian double agent, and his daughter has put pressure on the British government to rein them in.”

For what? Russia had nothing to do with the incident. No evidence suggests otherwise. If Britain had any, it would have been revealed. Accusations without credible facts are groundless.

The Times: “MI5 has fewer resources to keep pace with Russia’s expanding operations,” citing retired UK intelligence operative John Bayliss, away from government service since 2010.

If he’s like former MI6 operative Christopher Steele, responsible for the Hillary/DNC-funded doggy dossier on Trump, his credibility is sorely lacking.

The Times along with other Western media proliferate disinformation about Russia, a disgraceful campaign to denigrate the country for not bowing to Washington’s will – its sovereign independence, growing influence, and unmatched super-weapons a thorn in its side.

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