
The NYT: Press Agent for Venezuelan Usurper Guaido


The NYT: Press Agent for Venezuelan Usurper Guaido

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The self-styled newspaper of record finds new ways to disgrace itself. Why anyone believes its rubbish is a way to be informed, they’ll have to explain. 

Especially on geopolitical issues, the Times operates as an imperial mouthpiece, supporting what demands denunciation.

In the vanguard of backing the Trump regime’s coup attempt in Venezuela, the Times strongly opposes the country’s social democracy, wanting it eliminated, the US gaining another imperial trophy.

Ignoring Nicolas Maduro’s legitimacy as president, the Trump regime designated a convenient stooge it controls to usurp the position illegitimately if the coup works.

The Times shamefully gave usurper Guaido feature op-ed space, a platform to lie, trying to invent his illegitimacy. 

There’s no ambiguity about what’s going on, nothing remotely legal about it. A coup is a coup is a coup, not something else. Rebranding it is like calling a cat a dog - or claiming police state America is democratic.

Guaido is a social democracy hating right wing extremist. His op-ed recites the script written by his US handlers, a beginning-to-end recitation of bald-faced Big Lies.

Venezuela is the hemisphere’s preeminent democracy. Not according to the US and Guaido, falsely saying ”we face the challenge of restoring our democracy…” 

America’s dirty hands on the country need challenging. Guaido should be arrested, charged, prosecuted and imprisoned for plotting with Trump regime hardliners to topple Venezuela’s legitimate government.

Crisis conditions were made in America, Guaido’s complicity with Washington exacerbating things, instead of working cooperatively with Maduro to turn things around - not for him, for millions of Venezuelans enduring made-in-the-USA hard times.

He lied saying “I would like to be clear about the situation in Venezuela: Mr. Maduro’s re-election on May 20, 2018, was illegitimate, as has since been acknowledged by a large part of the international community. His original six-year term was set to end on Jan. 10. By continuing to stay in office, Nicolas Maduro is usurping the presidency.”

Reality is polar opposite the above Big Lies. Maduro was democratically elected and reelected last May. Regional, European, and other nations rejecting his legitimacy, supporting Guaido’s illegal power grab, operate as virtual US colonies - taking orders from Washington, saluting and obeying to their disgrace.

Guaido turned truth on its head claiming Article 233 of Venezuela’s Constitution justifies his unjustifiable power grab. 

As previously explained, nothing in the article applies to what’s going on, nothing refuting Maduro’s legitimacy as president, nothing justifying the Trump’s regime change plot, nothing permitting Guaido’s attempt to anoint himself president, nothing remotely suggesting what’s going on is legal.

Attempting to overthrow a legitimate sitting government is the most serious offense a citizen can commit against his or her country, an affront to its people and rule of law. 

It’s essential for Venezuela’s Supreme Court to act against what’s going on, holding Guaido fully accountable for his criminal actions.

He’s right about one thing. The “survival of (Venezuelan) democracy (is) at stake…the…fate of our nation” - to remain free from Washington’s dirty hands, wanting control over the state, its resources looted, its people exploited as virtual serfs, harsh crackdowns enforced on nonbelievers.

As long as Venezuela’s military supports social democratic governance over Guaido’s attempted power grab, defeating the Trump regime’s coup is likely.

If the US intervenes militarily, all bets are off. Describing Guaido in the piece, the Times stopped short of calling him Venezuela’s interim president, saying he’s “the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly and an opposition leader.”

He betrayed his country and the Venezuelan people for conspiring with the Trump regime’s coup attempt.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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