
The NYT: An American Pravda


The NYT: An American Pravda

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

That’s how Project Veritas characterized the Times, PV an organization exposing public and private wrongdoing.

It said The Times operates like Soviet Russia’s Pravda (not its polar opposite modern-day reporting), featuring all propaganda and fake news all the time on issues mattering most, suppressing vital truths, serving imperial and monied interests.

The self-styled newspaper of record is a national disgrace – betraying readers instead of informing them.

PV produced an undercover video, recording Times audience strategy editor for videos Nick Dudich, admitting the broadsheet manipulates content – PV communications director Stephen Gordon saying:

“It’s not exactly that they’re revelations, because I think it’s something we all know happens. There’s collusion between the social media networks and the major media outlets.”

Dudich admitted using his gatekeeper power to “choose what goes out and what doesn’t go out,” protecting his Silicon Valley friends, adding:

“And let’s say we wrote something about Facebook negatively…We actually just did a video about Facebook negatively, and I chose to put it in a spot that I knew wouldn’t do well.”

“We caught (The Times) admitting it,” said PV. “When (it colludes with) You Tube…the bastard child of that relationship is fake news. We’ve got more to come on the New York Times.”

You Tube’s Earnest Pettie colludes with Dudich, “pushing his videos to the top,” he said.(He’s) one of the people I think who has more knowledge about YouTube as a platform than probably anyone else that I know.”

A relationship with You Tube benefits The Times, videos complementing its reporting.

PV founder James O’Keefe questioned what news sources You Tube considers “legitimate,”saying: 

If the company operates as a news business, it’s “going to have to answer for the sins of (its) news partners.”

A separate undercover PV video caught Dudich saying he worked for Hillary’s presidential campaign, adding he didn’t join the Times to “be objective.”

In its American Pravda reports, PV accused the broadsheet of exploiting social media and manipulating news.

For readers of my frequent Times critiques, it comes as no surprise. The role of media is to fully and accurately inform news consumers about vital world and national issues.

Consistent Times disinformation, fake news and Big Lies violate core principles of journalism. Reliable independent media are the only legitimate sources of the real thing.

The Times and other media scoundrels wage war on truth, defending the indefensible, supporting what demands condemnation.

They’re instruments of state propaganda, virtual Washington house organs, lying machines. 

The Times operates as a de facto ministry of propaganda, twisting reality, burying vital truths, waging editorial war on Russia and other sovereign independent nations, supporting imperial high crimes.

PV has new installments coming on how the publication betrays its readers.

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