
Novichok Hoax 2.0?


Novichok Hoax 2.0?

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Another alleged UK novichok poisoning incident is red meat for Russophobic Western officialdom, so-called experts enlisted to serve them, and supportive media scoundrels - virtually always going along with the official narrative no matter how outlandish or unlawful.

According to Britain’s top counterterrorism official Neil Basu, two UK citizens were found unconscious in Amesbury, England, allegedly exposed to the same deadly novichok nerve agent as the Skripals last March.

A man and woman identified as Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess are hospitalized in critical condition. According to UK police, it’s unclear how the two affected individuals came in contact with whatever made them seriously ill, or whether they were targeted.

Western media jumped on the incident, suggesting Russian responsibility. Novichok is virtual code language for alleged Kremlin involvement.

Here are some screaming finger-pointing headlined reports:

The NYT: “Two British citizens have been critically sickened by the same nerve agent, Novichok, that was used to poison a former Russian spy and his daughter four months ago.”

Washington Post: “Two more victims of Soviet-era nerve agent poisoned in British town where Russian ex-spy was attacked”

Wall Street Journal: “UK Police Say Two British Nationals Exposed to Nerve Agent Novichok”

The BBC: “Amesbury: Two collapse near Russian spy poisoning site”

London Guardian: “Nerve agent used on critically ill UK couple same as that used on former Russian spy”

London Independent: Amesbury incident latest: Skripal novichok may be behind new Wiltshire poisoning”

AP News: “UK authorities seeking clues in new Novichok poisoning case…the same lethal toxin - developed by the Soviet Union - that almost killed a former Russian spy and his daughter in March”

Reuters: “Two people found unconscious in Amesbury, England were exposed to the same nerve agent used in an attack on the ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal, authorities said.”

Virtually all Western media reported the same way, pointing fingers at Russia for what allegedly happened - clearly not a novichok poisoning, one of the most deadly known toxins. Exposure to a drop or less causes death in minutes.

According to Russian state scientific research institute’s Vladimir Uglev, involved in developing novichok in the 1970s, there is no known antidote  if exposed to the nerve agent.

The latest incident comes days ahead of Putin/Trump summit talks in Helsinki, Finland, the first formal meeting between the two leaders.

It also happened during the World Cup, hosted by Russia, its national team reaching the quarter finals. 

Was another incident conveniently staged like the alleged novichok Skripal poisoning to bash the Kremlin coincidentally with these events?

RT reported Twitter awash with Russia conspiracy rubbish, adding:

“The (Amesbury) incident has already drawn immense government attention, with some 100 anti-terrorist division detectives working on the case around the clock and the government calling an emergency committee meeting for Thursday.”

An incident virtually anywhere drawing this much attention automatically is suspicious. It happened about seven miles from Salisbury where the Skripals became ill in March.

Their “miraculous” recovery showed the alleged novichok poisoning to be a hoax. Is the latest incident another one?

It happened exactly four months to the day after the March 4 alleged Skripal poisoning incident, Russia falsely blamed for what happened straightaway - despite no evidence then or now proving Kremlin guilt.

Alleged public exposure in March and July to a deadly nerve agent would endanger virtually everyone close to both incidents. 

Yet only the Skripals and police detective Nick Bailey were harmed earlier, only Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess on July 4 - an automatic red flag, drawing obvious suspicions of UK (likely jointly with Washington) state sponsorship both times.

Chances of Russian responsibility earlier and now are virtually nil!

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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