
Netanyahu Threatens Iran Over Its Defense Pact with Syria


Netanyahu Threatens Iran Over Its Defense Pact with Syria

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Last Sunday, Iran’s Defense Minister General Amir Hatami and his Syrian counterpart General Ali Abdullah Ayyoub signed a defense and technical cooperation agreement.

It “define(s) areas of bilateral presence, participation, and cooperation” in defending the security of both nations.

Both countries are allied defensively against US, NATO, Israeli regional aggression – their fundamental right and obligation given the enormous threat they face.

They’re targeted for regime change by Washington and Israel, why the Obama regime attacked Syria, US aggression continued by Trump hardliners, Iran next on their target list, wanting its government replaced by pro-Western puppet rule.

What’s going on endlessly is what the scourge of imperialism is all about, a pure evil agenda for world domination by brute force, involving mass slaughter and destruction.

Netanyahu is like Trump regime hardliners Bolton, Pompeo and others. They represent the greatest threat to world peace.

At a Wednesday Dimona nuclear site ceremony, renaming the infamous facility involved in Israeli nuclear weapons development the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center, Netanyahu threatened Iran with mass destruction, saying:

“In the Middle East, and in many parts of the world, there is a simple truth.”

“There is no place for the weak. The weak crumble, are slaughtered, and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive.”

“(O)ur enemies know very well what Israel is capable of doing. They are familiar with our policy. Whoever tries to hurt us, we hurt them.”

“I am not spouting slogans. I am describing a persistent, clear and determined policy…backed by appropriate deployment, equipment, preparedness and, in the hour of need, appropriate orders.”

Like America, Israel’s only enemies are invented ones. No real enemies exist. They’re pretexts for what both countries pursue – wanting the Middle East map redrawn for unchallenged regional control over its ruling authorities, resources and populations.

In response to Netanyahu’s hostile remarks, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted: 

“Iran, a country without nuclear weapons, is threatened with atomic annihilation by a warmonger standing next to an actual nuclear weapons factory. Beyond shameless in the gall.”

Israel is nuclear armed and dangerous, the only regional country with an arsenal of these WMDs – estimated at from 200 – 400 warheads.

Iran abhors these weapons, wants them eliminated to prevent them from eliminating everyone.

Iran is a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) signatory. Israel refused to sign the NPT.

Separately, Zarif tweeted: “As world marks Int’l Day against Nuclear Tests, let’s remember that only nuclear bombs in our region belong to Israel and the US; the former a habitual aggressor & the latter the sole user of nukes. Let’s also remember that Iran has called for Nuclear Weapon Free Zone since 1974.”

Netanyahu lied about Iranian “forces and advanced weapons systems in Syria.” Iranian military advisers are in the country at the behest of Damascus, aiding Assad combat the scourge of US, NATO, Israeli-supported ISIS and other terrorists.

Separately on Wednesday, Israeli intelligence minister Yisrael Katz threatened Syria and Iran over their defense and technical cooperation agreement.

It “cross(ed) the red line we have set,” he roared, adding:

“Israel will not allow Iran to settle in Syria. We will act with all our might against any Iranian position in Syria that threatens the State of Israel. (Assad) would bear the consequences immediately.”

On Tuesday, US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin met with his Israeli counterpart Moshe Kahlon. Both officials agreed on toughening economic sanctions and other joint harshness on Iran.

On the same day, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said “(w)e will not allow the United States’ plots to succeed.”

“(W)e will not allow a bunch of anti-Iranians, who have gathered at the White House today to plot against us.”

The threat of another US/UK orchestrated CW false flag incident in Syria heightens the risk of escalating conflict more than already.

On Wednesday, Sergey Lavrov said the planned provocation aims to maintain “the last remaining hotbed of terrorists” in Syria’s Idlib province.

On Wednesday, Russia’s ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov warned the Trump regime, saying:

“We warned the US against launching a new baseless and illegal aggression on Syria.”

“The main thing is that we expressed our concerns about American signals of preparing new strikes on Syria” based on fabricated claims about using CWs Damascus eliminated and never used throughout the conflict, Antonov adding:

“We stressed that such a prospect is of grave concern for us. We called on Washington to provide facts (without delay) on the reasons why the topic with the use of chemical weapons by Damascus is further fueled.”

“This provocation, which is being prepared with active involvement of British Special Services, may become a pretext for the western ‘trio’ (Washington-London-Paris) to conduct another missile strike against Syrian military and civil infrastructure.”

Another CW false flag in Syria may be imminent, followed by US, UK, French terror-bombing of Syrian sites – escalating conflict more than already.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."