
When Minorities Become Majorities: The Tyranny of Minorities


Writer John Kaminski said, “If we keep importing minorities,  we will irreversibly step down the stairway to our own destruction.”

By 2042, at current legal and illegal immigration rates, Mexicans, Latinos and Hispanics will become the new majority in America.  They bring their cultures that have failed them in Mexico and Central America. They bring their language that fails them as to progress, education and functioning governments.  They bring their religions, which mandate endless babies. Which, in turn, causes illiteracy from too many children and no way to educate them.

“When minorities rule, nations strangle and die,” said Kaminski.  “We see it happening today, all over the world. Worse than that, and something to worry about: when minorities become majorities, they generally kill off the previous owners.”

He continued, “To flood target nations with helpless imbeciles is the reverse of what usually happens. Typically, an invading power such as the East India Company was able to demand subservience because of its superior military might no matter how small its contingent of invaders. And it’s how Jewish strategists can rule countries today despite being a minuscule percentage of the population, because they control all nations’ money supply.”

Notice in America how we are controlled by the Military Industrial Complex.  Notice how multi-national corporations call all the shots.  Notice how huge percentages of minorities enjoy all the welfare, but refuse to participate in education and personal accountability.  A whopping 7 out of 10 Black children arrive without fathers and live with a single mother on welfare.   How many and how much longer can Americans pay for that birthing phenomenon?

“Either technique inevitably destroys the host country,” said Kaminski.  “The one we’re getting today is a deliberately planned Third World invasion which will produce an upsurge of random violence (a la South Africa) necessitating a police state crackdown in order to “restore order” (read: cancel all civil liberties) and “guarantee the safety of law-abiding citizens” (those who keep their mouths shut).

“The accelerated invasion of Third Worlders into the white countries of the Northern Hemisphere is obviously a strategy by the moneyed intelligentsia to keep the American public as feeble minded as possible in order to maximize profits from their various exploitation potential.”

One look at Minneapolis, Lewiston, Maine, Miami, LA and Detroit should scare the daylights out of every American.  They are NO LONGER American cities.  We’ve got 45 million foreign born in our country an tens of millions of them subsist on welfare. That’s your money.

Kaminski said, Simple math: take a 68 IQ Somali and mix him in with your average 93 IQ American and you get a country full of low-ball retards, sucking at the public trough and contributing nothing to the economy, just the way the Jews want it, a tried and true recipe for social disintegration. (Source for IQ’s per country: )

“This is the situation in the world today. That’s why all our politicians are plastic and either totally in hock to the Jews or not in office. I think that’s why Tulsi Gabbard was eliminated by the Democrats from their prospective presidential candidates.”

“This is our future, casting a giant black shadow as great as our final black shadow that haunts us all, yes, that one that is repressed, which by doing makes every answer we ever invented totally false,” said Kaminski.   “We now have white homosexuals and black Communists telling the rest of us “normal” folk how to run the country. Of minorities telling the majority what to do. It was a major mistake that we did not oppose this with every resource at our command, because now we have the tail clearly wagging the dog and our country going down the drain.

Notice that most of Africa suffers from AIDS, Ebola, massive childbirth rates, and everyone’s starving.  It seems to be a popular meme among blacks these days that they are “owed” reparations for the indignities their ancestors endured in the past. Yet in all these “Democratic” schemes there is never a mention of how it was whites who saved so many Africans from themselves from a continent that has proven itself unable to develop civilized societies, or in some cases, unable to refrain from eating each other for dinner.

“Does anybody remember why this country was founded — freedom from the unfeeling acts of a foreign government controlling our lives,” said Kaminski.  “Yes, I know, that is what the Indians told our forefathers, and what the Palestinians tell us today about the homicidal, U.S. backed, Israelis. Since we are saying this today, does that mean the fate of all Americans is destined to mirror that of the American Indians and Palestinians? Only you get to decide.”

Dear Fellow American: our Congress remains on schedule to import another 110 million minorities from over 100 third world countries.  If they succeed within the next 30 years, do you think our country, and/or your children stand a chance at survival?

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise.

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