Mike Pence Unwelcome in Occupied Palestine
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)
He was a controversial choice by Trump for vice president – an evangelical Christian fascist, a neocon Tea Party hardliner, an imperial war cheerleader, an Islamophobe, Russophobe and homophobe, hostile to immigrant rights, a longtime Koch brothers ally, serving their interests.
He’s anti-progressive, anti-social justice, anti-governance serving everyone equitably, anti-abortion rights, anti-LGBT and women’s rights, anti-gay marriage, anti-worker rights, an evangelical supporter of Israel’s worst crimes, a hard as they get hardliner.
He’s a bigoted white supremacist, a far-right religious fundamentalist, supporting virtually everything free societies abhor – a president in waiting if Trump ends up ousted from office, pro-Hillary dark forces in Washington targeting him for removal since inaugurated.
One observer said, if Pence ever becomes president, his administration will be run by the Koch brothers. He’s been in their pocket for years.
He’s a sinister, calculating character, calling himself “a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican in that order.” Others call him a hypocrite and an extremist, and a menace.
Scheduled to arrive in Israel on Wednesday, he’s persona non grata in Occupied Palestine following Trump’s outrageous Jerusalem declaration.
He’ll fly to Cairo on Tuesday to meet with Egyptian President Fattah el-Sissi, a modern-day Pinochet, an Arab thug. Egypt’s Coptic Pope Tawadros II refused to see him because of Trump’s Jerusalem declaration.
He’ll travel to Israel the next day, meet with Netanyahu, address the Knesset, and visit the Western Wall in Occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.
He won’t visit Bethlehem or churches in Jerusalem as originally planned. Abbas said he’s “not welcome” in Occupied Palestine. He refused to see him.
His Fatah party called for angry demonstrations during his stay, protesting his visit to Jerusalem, a statement saying:
“We call for angry protests at the entrances to Jerusalem and in its Old City to coincide with the visit on Wednesday of US Vice President Mike Pence and to protest against Trump’s decision.
On Friday, an unnamed senior administration official said “(w)e cannot envision any situation under which the Western Wall would not be part of Israel.”
Senior Abbas advisor Nabil Abu Rudeineh responded, saying “(w)e will not accept any changes on the borders of East Jerusalem, which was occupied in 1967. This statement proves once again that this American administration is outside the peace process.”
“The continuation of this American policy, whether through the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, or by moving the American embassy, or other such statements, by which the United States decides unilaterally on the issues of the final status negotiations, are a violation of international law and strengthen the Israeli occupation.”
“For us, this is unacceptable. We totally reject it. And we totally denounce it.”
According to Fatah official Mahmoud al-Aloul, “a policy of popular resistance (was adopted), and now we will raise the level of resistance.”
Daily Palestinian protests confronted by Israeli violence will likely continue during his stay.
He’s dismissive of Palestinian rights, one-sidedly supporting Israel like Trump and other administration officials.
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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."