
Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea: Much Ado About Nothing


Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea: Much Ado About Nothing 

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

The media hullabaloo over Flynn’s plea is more proof of the colossal Russiagate scam.

He pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, relating to conversations he had during the transition period with former Russia ambassador to Washington Sergey Kislyak.

Many congressional members had personal contact with him, part of their job and Flynn’s as a key member of Trump’s transition team at the time.

Through its ambassador, he reportedly tried urging Russia to hold off expelling US diplomats in retaliation for Obama administration expulsions, along with opposing last December’s SC Res. 2334, declaring Israeli settlements illegal, flagrantly violating international law.

The vote was 14 – 0 with Washington abstaining. It broke longstanding US tradition, vetoing over 40 SC resolutions hostile to Israeli interests.

Flynn technically violated the 1799 Logan Act, amended in 1994. It prohibits unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments – considered an attempt to influence bilateral relations. 

The act remained unused since passage, no one prosecuted under the law in over 200 years. Legal experts suggest it’s unconstitutional. It’s been used more as a threat than justification for prosecution.

Why did the FBI question Flynn about anything relating to his transition team job, specifically contacts with foreign officials, namely Kislyak?

His only offense was telling what amounts to a white lie, nothing warranting the witch-hunt investigation he was put through, resulting in his guilty plea over nothing.

The aim, of course, was trying to build a case for nonexistent Russian inference in America’s political process, along with anything suggesting illegal or improper Trump dealings with Moscow. 

After months of House, Senate and special council Mueller investigations, not a shred of proof was found making either case – just baseless allegations and accusations, no evidence supporting them.

The neocon/CIA-connected Washington Post jumped on Flynn’s plea, ludicrously saying “the Russia affair just got bigger,” falsely claiming “Flynn…sought help from the Russian ambassador in undermining the Obama administration’s policies.”

His contacts with Kislyak had nothing to do with “undermining” anyone. Reportedly, Jared Kushner asked Flynn to urge 

Russian opposition to SC 2334, not a crime by either individual.

WaPo: “In negotiating with the Kremlin before Mr. Trump’s inauguration, the Trump transition team undermined the foreign policy of the sitting president.” 

“What’s more, the Obama administration designed its sanctions against Russia as retaliation for election interference.” 

“Mr. Flynn apparently promised that the next administration would review those sanctions – meaning Mr. Trump’s advisers sought to weaken the US attempt to hold Russia accountable for its meddling.”

Fact: Nothing was done by Flynn or any other Trump transition member to undermine Obama.

Fact: No Russian US election interference occurred.

Fact: Unilaterally imposed US sanctions on Russia or any other countries are illegal, flagrantly violating international law.

Fact: If Flynn supported lifting them, he warrants praise, not condemnation.

Endless witch-hunt investigations continue, wasting time and money, proving nothing except more evidence of America’s deeply corrupted political system – far too debauched to fix.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."