
Lavrov Slams US and UN Chief


Lavrov Slams US and UN Chief

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

US regimes under Republicans and undemocratic Dems are mortal enemies of world peace and stability.

Sergey Lavrov slammed the Trump regime for refusing to help reconstruct Syria - what US-led naked aggression destroyed, he failed to explain.

On August 18, Trump disgracefully tweeted: “The United States has ended the ridiculous 230 Million Dollar yearly development payment to Syria.” 

“Saudi Arabia and other rich countries in the Middle East will start making payments instead of the US I want to develop the US, our military and countries that help us” - rape and destroy targeted nations, he failed to add.

The $230 million will be spent for greater militarism and belligerence than already. So-called Saudi-led Gulf states’ aid is intended only for ISIS and other terrorists involved in trying to topple Syria’s legitimate government.

US-installed world body Secretary-General Antonio Guterres serves its imperial interests.

Lavrov slammed him, saying he “published and disseminated throughout the UN system a secret directive in October last year, prohibiting organizations participating in this system to take part in any projects to restore the Syrian economy” - supporting US-led aggression in Syria, not denouncing it.

“The United States is trying to artificially slow down the process of the refugees’ return by refusing to participate in the restoration of infrastructure in Syria,” Lavrov added. 

“A few days ago, Washington hosted a meeting between (pro-Western UN envoy for Syria) Staffan de Mistura and Mike Pompeo, and the State Department used the phrase ‘it is premature to even discuss the restoration of Syria’ in the statement following their talks.”

US funding and belligerence go for toppling Syria’s government. Its regime change objective remains unchanged.

Guterres shamefully supports it, banning his political department from involvement in Syrian reconstruction unless pro-Western governance replaces Syrian sovereign independence.

“It’s inadmissible when a group of countries manipulates secretariats of international organizations, which are supposed to be unbiased and independent,” said Lavrov, adding: 

“The UN was created on the basis of…equality of all countries. I strongly urge our Western partners (sic) to return to that principle and not try to covertly exploit international organizations.”

Lavrov criticized UN refugee agency chief Filippo Grandi in response to him saying it’s too soon to consider mass return of displaced Syrians. The UNHCR should not function as a “subsidiary of…Western countries,” he stressed.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Gibran Bassil backs Russian efforts to help Syrian refugees return, saying:

Working cooperatively with Moscow and Damascus, his country “supports the quick and safe return of Syrian refugees without any link to a political solution.”

“The circumstances in Syria have changed, and many areas are safe…(F)or that reason, there is no reason for the refugees to stay.”

Ahead of Putin’s Saturday meeting with Germany’s Angela Merkel, he urged EU countries to help rebuild war-torn Syria and aid the return of its refugees. 

Security Council Resolution 2254 called for all parties to “immediately cease any attacks against civilians,” pursue a diplomatic settlement to the conflict, and “build conditions for the safe and voluntary return of refugees…and the rehabilitation of affected areas.”

Washington opposes world peace and stability. Endless wars of aggression serve its imperial agenda.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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