
Can the JCPOA Be Saved?


Can the JCPOA Be Saved?

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

The answer is yes and no – with heavy emphasis on the latter.

If the remaining P4+1 countries reject illegally reimposed US nuclear-related and other sanctions on Iran, maintaining normalized relations, notably buying its oil and petrochemicals, the deal can be saved.

Russia and China are committed to normal relations with Tehran – regardless of Trump’s pullout, reimposed sanctions, and whatever other harsh steps he may take.

EU nations are another matter, most often subservient to US interests even when harming their own. Bending to Washington’s will by imposing counterproductive sanctions on Russia indicates they’re likely to go the same way on Iran by observing Trump’s actions.

Trade with the country is minor compared to economic and financial relations with America.

Trump’s pullout had nothing to do with flaws in the deal, everything to do with waging political and economic war on the Islamic Republic – aiming for regime change, Washington’s long sought objective.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said “(i)f the remaining (P5+1) countries…live up to their commitments and guarantee that Iran’s interests will be fulfilled, the agreement will remain despite the will of America and the Zionist regime.”

On Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif left for Beijing, Moscow and Brussels, his mission to determine if the JCPOA can be saved.

Before leaving, he stressed Tehran is prepared to resume “industrial-scale” uranium enrichment “without any restrictions” if European countries go along with Trump.

He wants air-tight guarantees from Brussels to protect Iranian interests despite Trump’s pullout. If gotten, Tehran remains committed to observe JCPOA provisions. 

Otherwise, it’ll resume pre-JCPOA nuclear activities, ignoring Trump’s threat of severe consequences to follow.

Political profiles in courage are rare in Western societies, practically nonexistent in Washington. Though possible, it’s unlikely Brussels will risk disrupting relations with Washington to save the nuclear deal.

On Sunday, NSA John Bolton said “I think the Europeans will see that it’s in their interests to come along with us.”

Asked if Washington intends imposing sanctions on European companies continuing to do business with Iran, he said “it’s possible. It depends on the conduct of other governments,” adding:

“The rationale for getting out of the deal is it was contrary to American national security interests when we got into it and it hadn’t gotten any better with age.”

Normal Iranian political and economic relations with the world community is “contrary to American…interests,” wanting pro-Western puppet governance replacing its sovereign independence.

That’s what’s hostility toward Iran is all about – US/Israeli hegemonic aims for regime change.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."