Israel’s War on Palestinian Media Freedom
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)ee
Israeli military censorship prohibits publishing anything about IDF high crimes against peace and daily persecution of Palestinians.
Legitimate peaceful Palestinian demonstrations are banned for political reasons. Nonviolent resistance is suppressed, academic freedom endangered, children imprisoned for stone-throwing, media silenced for truth-telling.
Palestinian media are notably targeted repeatedly – phony pretexts justifying the unjustifiable, the way all police states operate, Israel the region’s most ruthless and dangerous.
Overnight Tuesday, Israeli soldiers, together with Shin Bet and Civil Administration operatives, raided eight West Bank Palestinian media and production organizations on fabricated charges of incitement and encouraging terror – code language for truth-telling on vital issues, what Israel wants suppressed.
Ramasat and TransMedia broadcasters were lawlessly closed down, equipment and documents confiscated from operations providing services to Hamas.
Israel considers any media run by or for Hamas illegal. Extrajudicial arrests were made during Tuesday overnight rampaging, including TransMedia director Amer Jabari and his cameraman brother, Ismail.
Other Palestinians were injured from rubber-coated steel bullets fired indiscriminately. An IDF statement twisted reality saying:
“The operation is part of the expanded counterterrorism effort, in which the security forces operate against all elements of terrorism including incitement.”
“The security forces in the region will continue to act against incitement to terror, based on the understanding that this constitutes a direct factor in the perpetration of terror attacks through inspiration and support for terrorism.”
Palestinians are victims of Israeli state terror. Self-defense against its ruthlessness is considered “terrorism.” Opposing and denouncing Israeli viciousness is called “incitement.”
Last July, Israeli soldiers raided PalMedia in Ramallah, its facility home to other media operations, including RT’s regional office. None of its staff were arrested or harmed.
Palestinian equipment and documents were seized, always on fabricated charges of incitement and/or fostering terrorism when these incidents occur – police state viciousness the world community ignores.
Palestinian victimization is considered a non-issue. Israeli interests alone matter – pursued ruthlessly and lawlessly the way all rogue states operate.
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