Israeli Violence Against Palestinians After Stunning UN Defeats
by Stephen Lendman – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Following overwhelming Security Council and General Assembly rejection of Trump’s unlawful Jerusalem declaration, Israeli forces unleashed state terror against Palestinian protesters, armed only with their redoubtable spirit.
Following Friday prayers, Palestinians protested again across the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza for the 16th consecutive day against Trump’s deplorable move, his administration knowing justifiable outrage would erupt.
On Friday, two Palestinians were lethally shot with live fire along the Gaza/Israeli border, the death toll at 13 since December 6, over 3,700 injured, nearly 1,000 requiring hospital treatment, more than 500 arrested.
The Palestinian Health Ministry said it’s operating under emergency conditions, casualties increasing daily, hospital emergency departments overloaded, blood banks seeking donors.
Health Minister Jawad Awad condemned brutal Israeli repression of nonviolent protesters, health facilities throughout the Territories struggling to treat thousands of injured Palestinians, some with serious wounds.
On Friday, scores more were injured, including from live fire. One youth dressed as Santa Claus was shot and wounded in southern Gaza.
Commenting on Thursday’s General Assembly vote, BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti called it “further proof that the far-right Israeli-Trump alliance is more isolated than ever as the overwhelming majority of nations are finally recognizing its fatal attempt to undermine both Palestinian rights and the very rule of international law,” adding:
“Holding Israel accountable for its egregious, decades-old human rights violations is crucial to upholding both.”
“To defend the UN against this thuggery by Israel and the Trump administration, the BDS movement calls for meaningful sanctions, especially a military embargo and intensified boycott and divestment measures against Israel’s regime of oppression.”
“BDS today is not only crucial for realizing Palestinian freedom, justice and equality. It is also critical to stopping Trump, Netanyahu and other leaders of the international far-right who are threatening world peace and global justice like never before.”
The liberating struggle of tormented Palestinians experiences many more defeats than successes.
Security Council and General Assembly rejections of Trump’s Jerusalem declaration were rare exceptions – achieved despite heavy-handed pressure, bullying and threats by Trump and Nikki Haley.
Her remarks to the SC and GA combined ravings and temper tantrum antics on the world stage twice – all for naught.
She’s an anti-diplomat, not the real thing, a henchman in skirts for imperial ruthlessness, an embarrassment to the office she holds, her antics further proof of America’s pariah state status.
In the afterglow of stunning defeat of Washington and Israel at the SC and GA, the harsh reality of Occupied Palestine hasn’t change.
Palestinians have waited a century for justice not forthcoming – maybe one day, not as long as ruthless Ziofascists run America and Israel.
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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."