
Israeli Apartheid Injustice


Israeli Apartheid Injustice

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Palestinians are criminalized for not being Jewish.

Courageously defending her family’s property and fundamental rights against occupation ruthlessness, slapping Israeli soldiers in response to being oppressively slapped, 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi may spend years in prison.

Her entire family is viciously persecuted - not a word from Trump, other administration officials or congressional members supporting her and family members against ruthless Israeli oppression.

Palestinians endure daily state terror, brute force, abductions, imprisonments, and much more at the hands of a vicious occupier of their historic land.

Ahed and her family members were indicted on bogus charges. On Thursday, Haaretz asked “What Happened When a Jewish Settler Slapped an Israeli Soldier,” saying:

Ahed “and Yifat Alkobi were questioned for slapping a soldier in the West Bank” - their incidents similar, their status world’s apart. Alkobi is Jewish, Ahed a persecuted Palestinian.

Alkobi’s “slap didn’t lead the nightly news (nor) lead to an indictment. (She) was taken in for questioning but released on bail the same day and allowed to return home,” Haaretz explained.

She’s a five-time offender, convicted of stone-throwing, assaulting a police officer and disorderly conduct - yet never imprisoned.

Once she was sentenced to probation, other times required to perform community service and pay “a token fine.”

She “systematically failed to heed summonses for questioning or for legal proceedings, but soldiers did not come to drag her out of bed in the middle of the night, nor were any of her relatives arrested,” Haaretz stressed.

Her offenses were virtually ignored, and why not. It’s OK for Jews to commit misdeeds, misdemeanors and various other legal violations, especially against Palestinians.

They receive long prison terms and stiff fines for same offenses, even when accused without verifiable evidence.

Their “crime” of self-defense is considered “incitement” or “terrorism.”

Haaretz: “The Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson’s Unit said…the army takes a grave view of any incidence of violence toward security forces.”

Yet Alkobi remains free, living at home. Authorities have no intention to punish her. The appalling double standard needs no elaboration.

Haaretz: “The main difference between them is that (Ahed slapped) a soldier…sent by a hostile government that does not recognize her existence, steals her land and kills and wounds her relatives, while Alkobi, a serial criminal, assaulted a soldier from her own people and her religion…sent by her nation to protect her, a nation in which she is a citizen with special privileges” Ahed, her family members and all other Palestinians are denied.

Extremist settlers and other Jews notoriously assaulted soldiers for years. Israeli security forces terrorize Palestinians daily, including by pre-dawn raids, bursting into their homes violently, ransacking them and arresting one or more occupants, including young children.

Palestinians face military injustice, guilt automatic when charged. Civil law governs Jews. 

A judicial chasm separates how they’re treated - the difference between fair treatment and gross injustice.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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