
US and Israel Want Iran’s Government Toppled


US and Israel Want Iran’s Government Toppled

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Washington, Israel and their rogue allies want pro-Western puppet rule replacing Iranian sovereign independence.

It’s been their goal since Iran’s 1979 revolution, ending a generation of US/UK-installed fascist dictatorship.

The vast majority of Iranians strongly oppose returning the country to its ugly past. They deplore US/Israeli/Saudi interference in their country.

On Wednesday, huge pro-government crowds in Tehran and other cities rallied supportively for their government, against foreign intervention, responsible for days of violence, over 20 Iranians killed, recruited assassins responsible - the clearest indication of involvement by external dark forces.

They’re headquartered in Washington, with branch offices in European capitals, Israel, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.

After a week of unrest, punctuated by violence, Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) General Mohammad Ali Jafari on Wednesday said “(t)oday we can announce the end of the sedition,” adding:

“A large number of the trouble-makers at the center of the sedition, who received training from counter-revolutionaries…have been arrested, and there will be firm action against them.”

Over 500 arrests were made, mostly in Tehran. Order was largely restored without cracking down on protesters violently - the way Israel treats Palestinians, attacking them with toxic tear gas, rubber-coated steel bullets, live fire and other harsh tactics. 

Things are never over when Washington has mischief in mind. Trump ominously warned that US action will come “at the appropriate time.”

In a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Iran’s UN envoy Gholamali Khoshroo blasted Trump’s administration, saying:

“Washington has stepped up its acts of intervention in a grotesque way in Iran's internal affairs under the pretext of providing support for sporadic protests, which in several instances were hijacked by infiltrators,” adding:

“(I)n their numerous absurd tweets, (Trump and Pence) incited Iranians to engage in disruptive acts” - flagrantly violating international law, including the UN Charter.

“The US State Department…admitt(ed) that the US government wants to encourage protestors in Iran to change their government, admitting that the US is engaged in interfering with the internal affairs of Iran through Facebook and Twitter.”

Through his deputy spokesman Farhan Haq, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres failed to denounce foreign intervention in Iran, responsible for days of violence, instead saying:

“The Secretary General has been carefully following the reports of protests in a number of cities in Iran,” adding:

“We regret the reported loss of life, and we hope that further violence will be avoided.”

“We expect that the rights to peaceful assembly and expression of the Iranian people will be respected.”

Guterres effectively sided with foreign dark forces responsible for days of violence, including lethal shootings - blaming Iran for crimes committed against the country, proving again he’s a reliable imperial tool, betraying his oath of office and UN Charter principles.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein matched his irresponsibility, blaming Iranian authorities, ignoring foreign intervention, saying:

Iran “must respect the rights of all demonstrators and detainees, including their right to life, and guarantee their safety and security,” adding:

“Peaceful protests must not be criminalized. They are a legitimate part of the democratic process” - not when violent, including lethal shootings.

On its website, the White House posted an inflammatory Wall Street Journal editorial, a disinformation piece, deplorably saying:

“…Tehran has used its (unfrozen assets) to back clients making trouble throughout the region…propping up Syria’s Bashar Assad with troops, weapons and energy shipments. Iran funds Shiite militias in Iraq, Hezbollah terrorists in Syria and Lebanon, and Houthi fighters in Yemen.”

Fact: Iran has been helping Syria combat US-supported ISIS and other terrorist groups.

Fact: It supports other countries wanting peace and stability.

Fact: It opposes Washington’s imperial agenda, Israel’s persecution of Palestinians, and Saudi Arabian ruthlessness in Yemen, Syria and elsewhere regionally.

Fact: Hezbollah is part of Lebanon’s government. It’s not a terrorist organization. Washington, Israel and their rogue allies are the world’s leading state sponsors of terrorism.

Journal editors deplorably expressed support for Trump’s destructive imperial agenda instead of responsibly condemning it.

He initiated action to topple Iran’s government. His color revolution attempt failed. What does he have in mind next - waging war?

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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