
Israel Wants Iran Nuclear Deal Rescinded


Israel Wants Iran Nuclear Deal Rescinded

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Netanyahu devoted most of his September UN address to reinventing Israeli apartheid policies and vilifying Iran.

“Iran vows to destroy my country,” he roared. False!

“Iran is conducting a campaign of conquest across the Middle East, and Iran is developing ballistic missiles to threaten the entire world.” Another disgraceful Big Lie.

He falsely claimed Tehran seeks nuclear weapons it deplores, its leadership calling for a region free from these WMDs, Israel the only Middle East country with them. Its arsenal and imperial agenda threaten world peace.

Right-wing extremist Michael Oren formerly served as Israel’s ambassador to Washington. He’s now an MK and Netanyahu minister.

In a NYT op-ed, he blasted the Iran nuclear deal, saying it “isn’t worth saving,” quoting Trump’s disgraceful comment, claiming it’s one of the “worst and most one-sided transactions” ever – an utter perversion of truth.

“The alternative was never war, but a better deal,” said Oren outrageously adding:

“Rather than lifting sanctions on Iran, allowing it to retain its nuclear infrastructure and develop more advanced centrifuges, a better deal could have ramped up pressure on the Islamic Republic.”

It should link “any deal to changes in Iran’s support for terrorism, its regional aggression and its gross violation of human rights at home.”

The Times is a national disgrace for publishing this rubbish. Iran responsibly combats terrorism America, Israel and their rogue allies support.

It protects human rights, including for Iranian Jews. America and Israel are the world’s leading human rights abusers, fantasy democracies, Oren an apartheid supporter.

He lied saying in 2025, Iran “can reactivate its nuclear plants and rapidly enrich enough uranium for dozens of nuclear bombs.” Another lie claiming “(i)nstead of blocking Iran’s path to nuclear weapons, the agreement paves it.”

It does nothing of the kind. Iran abhors nuclear weapons. Oren was noticeably silent about Israel’s arsenal, its ballistic missile capability, its stockpile of banned chemical and biological weapons, used against Gazans in three wars along with other prohibited weapons, causing injuries doctors never saw before.

Oren: “With billions of dollars in sanctions relief, the regime is solidifying its rule over Syria, Iraq and Yemen, tightening its stranglehold on Lebanon, and increasing its bankrolling of Hezbollah and Hamas.” 

“And, in flagrant defiance of the United Nations, Iran is developing and testing intercontinental ballistic missiles that can carry multiple nuclear warheads. Meantime, the ayatollahs have pledged to destroy Israel and, ultimately, America. Rather than reducing the likelihood of war, the agreement has made many wars inevitable.”

Fact: Iran seeks mutual cooperation with all nations, dominance over none like Washington and Israel.

Fact: Its ballistic missile program is entirely legitimate, compliant with the JCPOA, capable only of carrying conventional warheads, not nuclear ones. Oren lied claiming otherwise.

Fact: Iran never threatened to destroy Israel, America or any other countries, another Oren lie.

Fact: Iran hasn’t attacked another country in centuries. America and Israel do it repeatedly – rogues states partnered in each other’s high crimes of war, against humanity and genocide.

Oren is a militant right-wing extremist. No responsible editors would touch his rubbish. The Times disgracefully featured it.

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