
Israel Extends Ahed Tamimi’s Detention


Israel Extends Ahed Tamini’s Detention

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

For the fourth time since her illegal December 19 arrest, Israel extended the detention of Ahed and until January 19, according to Bassem Tamimi on Facebook, saying:

“Today I attended the trial of my wife Nariman and my daughter, Ahed Al-Tamimi at the military court in Ofer Prison.” 

“The prosecution demanded another extension of their detention for 101 days until the end of the judicial proceedings.” 

“Their defense attorney, Gabi Laski, demanded that they be released without an extension.

The military judge postponed his decision to Wednesday.”

“While in jail, my daughter Ahed informed us that she studies four classes from her school curriculum and she read two books outside the curriculum.” 

“She additionally asked us all to focus on every imprisoned woman and child and to work towards a campaign to highlight their cases.”

“My wife Nariman suffers from a stress disorder and diabetes, but her morale is high. She said that she and Ahed are transported constantly but in different vehicles.” 

“Ahed is transported with criminals who intimidate her with threats and insults. The military prison officials begin transporting her at 2 in the early morning and return after midnight.” 

“They affirm that there is a problem with the quality of food, saying the prison needs to improve the quality and quantity of food.”

In court, Ahed and Nariman were handcuffed with their legs shackled. Ahed said “I’m fine.” Harsh detention and interrogations amounting to torture haven’t weakened her courage and resolve to resist a brutal occupier.

In court on Monday, attorney Gabi Lasky blasted occupation harshness, flagrantly violating “international law principles such as those stemming from the Convention on the Rights of the Child, (ignoring) what is in the best interests’ of minors,” she said, adding:

Israeli laws on so-called “incitement” deny the fundamental right of free expression.

Lasky presented strong arguments for releasing Ahed on bail, argued against by the prosecutor. The military court judge dismissed her grounds for release as irrelevant.

Persecuting and prosecuting a 16-year-old girl and her family members is one of countless examples of Israeli repression.

Dozens of Israeli and foreign media covered Monday’s trial proceedings. Ahed’s redoubtable courage made her an international figure.

Israel’s military court was packed, standing room only. Ahed was calm and composed during the hearing.

She’s a remarkable young woman, way mature beyond her years, a role model for millions of Palestinians wanting to live free from ruthless Israeli occupation.

She faces possible years in prison for resisting tyranny.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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