
Israel Attacks Damascus Airport


Israel Attacks Damascus Airport

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Israel is a regional menace, a nuclear armed and dangerous rogue state run by hate-mongering Ziofascist extremists at war with Palestinians and Syria without formally declaring it.

Throughout US war on Syria, naked aggression by any standard, using terrorists as proxies, the IDF terror-bombed its sovereign territory scores of times by its own admission.

The latest attack came overnight, reports on what happened mixed. According to Syrian military sources, two Israeli missiles “came down near Damascus international airport.”

The Western-funded, one-man, UK-based so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) propaganda service claimed Israeli missiles targeted a Hezbollah arms depot near the airport - landing “without causing huge explosions.”

It’s unclear if IDF missiles were air-to-surface or surface-to-surface.

Israeli military intelligence-connected Debka File claimed “Israeli airborne missiles hit an Iranian air force Ilyushin Il-76 cargo plane unloading munitions at Damascus military airport early Tuesday, June 26.” 

“The explosions caused the plane to burst into flame with a number of unidentified casualties, according to other sources,” adding:

Other explosions north of (Israeli-occupied) Golan were from Syrian air defense missiles fired on Israeli warplanes illegally entering Syrian airspace.

AMN News cited “local activists,” saying Israeli warplanes allegedly attacked Damascus, “fir(ing) two missiles at an Iranian cargo plane that was being unloaded at the Damascus International Airport.”

A Syrian military source confirmed the attack on the capital’s airport without verifying reports of an Iranian plane struck.

After the attack, Syria’s air defense system downed an Israeli drone operating illegally cross-border. The IDF refused comment on either incident.

According to Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen TV, an unnamed source said Syrian air defense systems intercepted two Israeli missiles fired at the Damascus airport.

The Syrian Arab News Agency said overnight Tuesday incidents were linked to Israeli’s “continued support to the terrorist organizations in an attempt to raise their morale, following their defeat against the Syrian army.”

Separately, according to AMN News, Syrian forces launched a major attack on the strategic town of Busra al-Harir in the country’s southwest, breaching the defenses of US-supported terrorists, entering the town after intense fighting.

AMN is unable to confirm reports about Busra al-Harir’s capture, saying routing terrorists from the town would be a major strategic victory, an important step toward liberating the country’s southwest entirely from US-supported jihadists.

According to Russia’s reconciliation center in Syria, the following 12 southwest settlements joined the Syrian army’s campaign against US-supported terrorists: “Al Toubba, Khabab, Khirbat Al Msap, Jerfi, Asem, Sheikh Gharbiya, Sheikh Sharki, Al Shumariya, Hirbat az Zababir, Deir-Dama, Al Shiyakh and Jadal.”

On Monday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin said over 40% of Syrian’s southwest territory is controlled by (US-supported) ISIS and al-Nusra terrorists. 

“War (to eliminate them) continues, (an) uncompromis(ing) fight on (these elements) until they are completely exterminated,” he stressed.

Washington continues supporting the scourge it claims to oppose - in Syria and other countries.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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