
ISIS and Al-Qaeda Planning a 9/11-Type Attack?


ISIS and Al-Qaeda Planning a 9/11-Type Attack?

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Acting US Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke claimed it’s coming.

Did she announce a major US state terrorism attack in the works, on the order of another 9/11-type false flag – to be wrongfully blamed on “crazed Arabs” like the first one?

After meeting in London with UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd, she called the threat “severe,” saying:

“The terrorist organizations, be it ISIS or al-Qaeda or others, want to have the big explosion like they did on 9/11. They want to take down aircraft. The intelligence is clear on that.”

She lied. No intelligence exists, no ISIS, Al Qaeda or any other Islamic terrorist attack planned in America – not a major or garden variety one like numerous post-9/11 false flags, innocent patsies wrongfully blamed for state-sponsored crimes.

America supports these and other terrorist groups, arming, funding, training and directing their fighters. Why would they bite the hand feeding them?

Duke’s job includes stocking fear, needed to justify America’s imperial agenda, smashing one country after another, using terrorist foot soldiers to do its dirty work on the ground – supported by Pentagon terror-bombing, massacring tens of thousands of civilians, turning cities and towns to rubble.

Fabricated homeland terrorism threats are also used to justify destroying fundamental freedoms – police state laws, Big Brother spying, and challenging digital democracy, eliminating them on the phony pretext of assuring greater security.

According to Duke, ahead of a major attack, Islamic terrorists “need to keep their finances flowing and they need to keep their visibility high and they need to keep their members engaged, so they are using small plots and they are happy to have small plots.”

“Creating terror is their goal. A bladed weapon attack causes terror and continues to disrupt the world but that does not mean they have given up on a major aviation plot.”

Sadly, most people believe this rubbish, failing to understand their enemy is homegrown, headquartered in Washington, with branch offices in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere.

An earlier article explained chances of being struck by lightning are much greater than becoming a terrorist attack victim.

Death by auto accident, preventable diseases, violence at home by one family member against another, alcoholism or harm from overdoses of legal drugs are infinitely higher – what government officials media propaganda never explain.

State-sponsored terrorism is great cause for concern, not the other kind.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."