
ISIS and Al-Nusra Operate in US-Controlled Rukban Refugee Camp


ISIS and Al-Nusra Operate in US-Controlled Rukban Refugee Camp

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

US forces illegally control a 55-sq. km area in southeastern Syria near the Iraqi and Jordanian borders. 

It’s a staging area for US-led naked aggression in the country’s south, using ISIS and other terrorists. Kurdish YPG fighters, al-Nusra and other terrorists are used for the same purpose in northern areas near Turkey’s border.

US-supported terrorists are trained and protected at the Pentagon’s illegal Al-Tanf base. Thousands of other cutthroat killers operate from the US-controlled Rukban refugee camp.

Conditions in it are dire. US forces prevent humanitarian aid from reaching tens of thousands of Syrian refugees, fighters recruited from their ranks to combat government forces, together with ISIS and other terrorists.

Last Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said “ISIS (and) al-Nusra (terrorists) in possession of heavy arms are hiding among the civilians,” (in Rukban, holding them hostage) as human shields.”

“We have actual information that confirms that this happening (in cahoots with) the US military” operating from the Al-Tanf base.

A UN Security Council Sanctions Monitoring Team said Rukban is a source for the reemergence of ISIS terrorists in Syria’s southwest.

In early August, Russian General Sergey Rudskoy called Rukban a camp where refugees “are living in harsh conditions and where (US-supported ISIS and other) terrorists find shelter.”

US-led so-called Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) is a campaign pretending to combat the scourge of ISIS in Syria and Iraq Washington, NATO, Israel, and their imperial partners support – along with other regional terrorists. 

OIR spokesman Col. Sean Ryan turned truth on its head, accusing Russia of reporting “ridiculous misinformation” about US support for ISIS and al-Nusra terrorists – trained at Al-Tanf, operating in Rukban, the cold, hard truth the Pentagon and Trump regime hardliners want suppressed.

RT cited NBC News reporter Bill Neely given access by the Pentagon to the area around Rukban, saying his Jordanian helicopter pilot refused to fly over the camp “for fear of being shot down by ISIS” terrorists – using US-supplied heavy weapons.

US support for ISIS, al-Nusra, and other terrorists in Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere is an open dirty secret.

It’s been US strategy since Pentagon-led 2011 aggression on Libya, letting terrorists do America’s killing and dying for it, supported by US-led terror-bombing.

That’s what the scourge of US imperialism is all about, raping and destroying countries, blaming victims for high crimes committed against them.

Endless US wars on humanity rage with no prospect for world peace and stability.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."