
Iran: Trump’s Top Regime Change Target


Iran: Trump’s Top Regime Change Target

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Longstanding US policy calls for toppling all sovereign independent governments not subservient to its interests - Iran the top Middle East target.

Its government is strong and resilient, foiling US regime change attempts for nearly 40 years - including the Carter administration’s instigated Iran/Iraq war, at least two US color revolution attempts, multiple rounds of punishing sanctions, more coming, and another likely Trump regime attempt to topple its government.

National Iranian American Council founder president Trita Parsi called John Bolton’s appointment as national security advisor “a declaration of war (on) Iran.”

His geopolitical agenda prioritizes war and more of it - peace, stability and diplomatic outreach anathema notions for him.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is just as hardline. He called for imposing “the strongest sanctions in history” on Iran if it fails to comply with outrageous US demands no responsible leadership anywhere would accept.

Trump’s JCPOA pullout followed  CIA/Mossad-orchestrated protests in Iran months earlier - prelude for greater Trump regime efforts toward the Islamic Republic already begun.

In late June, manipulated protests erupted in Tehran - much weaker than earlier so far, unclear if something more serious will develop.

The Trump regime’s rage for regime change makes anything ahead possible.

On Monday, State Department policy planning director Brian Hook said (illegal) US sanctions on Iran “will snap back on August 4” - ones removed after the JCPOA’s consummation.

Sectors targeted will include Iran’s “automative sector, trade in gold, and other key metals.” 

Other JCPOA-related sanctions will be reimposed on November 6 - targeting Tehran’s energy sector, petroleum related products, and Central Bank of Iran transactions.

The Trump regime’s key objective is isolating Iran politically and economically, notably blocking its oil sales, access to hard currencies and foreign investments, along with imposing harsh sanctions and overall financial hardships on the country.

According to Hook, the Trump regime “will not hesitate” to punish foreign companies continuing to do business with Iran.

On Monday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani left for Switzerland and Austria for talks with their leaders, saying:

“Now that the Americans have exited the JCPOA in breach of international rules and their multi-lateral commitments, communication and negotiation with Europe enjoys a special position,” adding:

“Europe’s current situation is to some extent different from the past. Europe is opposing unilateralism with a louder voice, and expressing readiness to cooperate with Iran and other important and influential countries on regional and international issues.”

He’s expected to sign industrial, commercial, healthcare, education, and water resources management agreements with both countries.

Similar cooperation with other EU countries is crucial - notably normalized trade with Britain, France and Germany.

Before departing for Europe on Monday, Rouhani said an EU JCPOA support proposal would be forthcoming in days. Delaying it for two months or longer since Trump’s pullout isn’t encouraging.

Rouhani stressed the importance of deepening relations with EU countries - key to overcoming Trump’s political and economic strategy against the Islamic Republic.

Ahead of his EU trip, the Trump regime continues playing hardball on the country. A State Department report on human trafficking falsely accused Tehran of involvement in the practice.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi responded, saying:

“We reject this spiteful, biased, and political report that, using unreliable sources and information, has made groundless and unrealistic accusations of human trafficking against some countries, including the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

“Through such measures, the US government is trying to distract the world’s public opinion from its meddlesome and destabilizing policies which have seriously prepared the ground for the creation and expansion of organized criminal networks of human traffickers across the world, especially in Western Asia and Africa.”

“Unilateral moves, including ranking countries over the issue of organized crime including human trafficking, and releasing one-sided and spiteful reports against independent states not only contravene international conventions but also undermine international cooperation and efforts on fighting these crimes.”

The Trump regime “should be held accountable for its unilateral moves.” Russia, China and Syria were falsely included on its list of nations engaging in human trafficking.

Separately, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif slammed the arrest of an Iranian diplomat in Germany, falsely accused of plotting a bomb attack in Paris, tweeting:

“How convenient: Just as we embark on a presidential visit to Europe, an alleged Iranian operation and its ‘plotters’ arrested.” 

“Iran unequivocally condemns all violence & terror anywhere, and is ready to work with all concerned to uncover what is a sinister false flag ploy.”

Are Trump regime dirty hands behind the false arrest? Clearly it’s trying to undermine normalized EU relations with the Islamic Republic.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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