
IDF Admits Aiding Anti-Syria Terrorists


IDF Admits Aiding Anti-Syria Terrorists

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

All wars are unjustifiably justified by Big Lies, drowning out hard truths - perpetrators falsely pretending naked aggression is about democracy building and/or humanitarian intervention.

They largely get away with it because major media stick to the official state-sponsored narrative, failing the test of what journalism is supposed to be all about.

The dirtiest open secrets about war in Syria are the following:

1. It’s Obama’s war (not civil as falsely claimed), now Trump’s, waged for regime change and isolating Iran - ahead of a similar campaign to replace its legitimate government with pro-Western puppet rule.

2. Washington, NATO, Israel, and their imperial allies actively aid ISIS and other terrorists in Syria and elsewhere, using them as imperial proxies - recruiting, funding, training, directing, and arming them, including with heavy weapons able to combat the armed forces of any nation earmarked for regime change.

Israeli military censorship prohibits publishing anything about IDF high crimes of war and against humanity, as well as daily persecution of Palestinians.

It bans or redacts countless thousands of articles, documents, and other material with vital information it wants suppressed.

Israeli military censorship has been around since establishment of the Jewish state. No press freedom exists the way it’s supposed to be. 

Censorship authority has final say on what can and cannot be published on topics considered sensitive - a flagrant violation of speech and media freedoms just societies consider inviolable.

Project Censored founder Carl Jensen (1929 - 2015) defined censorship as follows:

“The suppression of information, whether purposeful or not, by any method - including bias, omission, underreporting or self-censorship - that prevents the public from fully knowing what is happening in its society.”

Unlike the common practice of suppressing information in Western societies, longstanding Israeli military censorship is the law of the land - transformed into a voluntary agreement between military authorities and the media.

Israel’s censor is empowered to examine all printed material prior to publication or broadcast - applying its authority only to what relates to military and security issues.

Its censorship decisions are subject to judicial control. Israel’s Supreme Court has final say on this matter. A 1989 ruling limited censorship to material posing “tangible…clear and present danger” to the state.

Nonetheless, Israel’s military censor has broad latitude in deciding what’s fit for publication or broadcast and what’s prohibited - by claiming military or security necessity.

On September 4, the Jerusalem Post headlined: “IDF CONFIRMS: ISRAEL PROVIDED LIGHT-WEAPONS TO SYRIAN REBELS,” saying:

“The Israeli army has admitted, for the first time, that it provided large amounts of cash, weapons and ammunition to Syrian rebels (sic) in the Golan Heights.”

“Reports first surfaced of Israel providing arms and cash to rebel groups several years ago, with the regime of Bashar Assad claiming that Israel had been providing arms to terror groups and its forces had regularly seized arms and munitions with inscriptions in Hebrew.”

“The army believes that the decision to provide weapons and cash to the rebel groups along the border with Israel’s Golan Heights was the right decision.”

“On Monday, the military announced that in the past year and half alone, (the IDF) carried out 202 strikes against (alleged) Iranian and Hezbollah targets in Syria.”

The Jerusalem Post said Israel’s military censor ordered the publication to remove its report, its managing editor David Brinn telling RT:

“We were told by the army’s military censor to remove that part of the story...for security reasons” - material relating to arming and otherwise aiding anti-government terrorists in Syria.

The report was removed hours after publication, preserved through Google cache  - a version of the article available online.

Israel is allied with Washington, NATO, the Saudis, and other regional regimes, waging war on Syria to replace its legitimate government with pro-Western puppet rule.

Russia’s intervention in September 2015 changed the dynamic on the ground, enabling Syrian forces to liberate most of the country from terrorists’ control.

What’s shaping up as the mother of all battles looms - liberating Idlib province from countless thousands of heavily armed US-supported terrorists, essential to eliminate, a vital step toward liberating the country entirely.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].


My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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