House Committee Votes to Release FISA Memo
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
GOP House Intelligence Committee members voted to release a classified four-page memo, documenting alleged Russiagate FISA abuses.
Undemocratic Dems want the information suppressed. It potentially exposes the Russiagate scam they want protected and continued. They want Trump ousted from office for the wrong reasons.
He has five days to decide on whether to declassify and release the memo or keep its likely damning information suppressed.
Russiagate congressional and special counsel witch-hunt investigations never should have been initiated.
No “brazen” Russian interference in America’s 2016 presidential election occurred, as the NYT and other media scoundrels falsely continue to claim.
Former CIA director John Brennan initiated the scam to delegitimize and weaken Trump, along with intensifying Russia bashing.
Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd lied, warning that releasing the memo would be “extraordinarily reckless.”
Most everything of importance going on behind the scenes in Washington suppresses what everyone has a right to know about a debauched system, a cesspool of unaccountable criminality.
Releasing the memo should be a bipartisan priority. Exposing government wrongdoing poses no risk to national security, just criminal elements in the nation’s capital and how they operate extrajudicially.
Undemocratic Dems lied, claiming release will undermine Russiagate investigations. Revealing its information may expose the scam.
The memo names now former deputy FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe (leaving his post as of Monday), Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, along with former FBI Director James Comey as culpable parties.
On Monday, House Intelligence Committee members voted against releasing a Dem-drafted counter-memo, an attempt to discredit information the classified document contains.
Dems claiming the memo’s release undermines special counsel Mueller’s investigation is a bald-faced lie.
If information in it is as damning as leaks suggest, it’s essential to release it and hold culpable individuals accountable.
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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."