
Hezbollah Intending to Attack America?


Hezbollah Intending to Attack America?

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Sound absurd? The phony accusation is part of hostile US/Israeli propaganda, vilifying anti-imperialism groups, inventing nonexistent threats, using them as pretexts for war and other hostile actions.

Rogue states operate this way, none more menacing than America and Israel, a true axis of evil, threatening world peace, stability and security.

To its discredit, Haaretz reported the absurd notion that Washington “believes Hezbollah (is) determined to develop attack capability inside (the) US” – instead of denouncing the claim responsibly.

Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization, a disgraceful designation given the group. It has no intention of attacking anyone. 

It’s a democratically elected part of Lebanon’s government with a strong military wing for defense, not offense.

In its 32-year history, it never attacked another state, responded forcefully to Israel’s 2006 aggression on Lebanon, embarrassing the IDF at the time.

Its fighters are involved in Syria, combatting US-supported terrorists. It had nothing to do with assassinating Lebanese prime minister Rafic Hariri in February 2005 – Israel’s Mossad responsible, Hezbollah falsely blamed.

It’s an anti-imperial, anti-Zionist force to be reckoned with. Haaretz quoted Trump administration Counterterrorism Center director Nicholas Rasmussen falsely saying:

“It is our assessment that Hezbollah is determined to give itself a potential homeland option as a critical component of its terrorism playbook.”

Fact: No Hezbollah “terrorism playbook” exists.

Fact: America, NATO and Israel are the world’s leading perpetrators of state-sponsored terrorism – humanity’s greatest menace. Haaretz failed to explain.

Rasmussen claiming America’s intelligence community “see(s) continued activity on behalf of Hezbollah here inside the homeland” is a bald-faced lie. No evidence was presented suggesting it. None exists.

Rasmussen falsely blamed Hezbollah for the April 1983 US embassy bombing in Beirut and marine barracks bombing in October the same year.

The group was founded in 1985. It had nothing to do with either incident. It opposes terrorism. It doesn’t support or commit it, as falsely claimed, including by Haaretz, disgraceful misreporting.

The broadsheet claimed the Trump administration intends “new measures against Hezbollah, including possibly imposing sanctions…in line with its new Iran strategy.”

Rasmussen’s announcement came shortly after fascist Israeli defense minister Avigdor Lieberman warned Israel’s next war will be fought on two fronts – against Hezbollah and Hamas.

“There are no more one-front wars, he roared. This is our basic assumption. That is what we are preparing the military for” – adding:

“If once we talked about the Lebanon front, then there is no longer such a front. It will be one front of Syria and Lebanon together, Hezbollah…Assad…and all (his) collaborators…”

Hezbollah, Assad, Iran and Russia threaten no one. America, NATO and Israel threaten humanity.

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