
Some Good News in a World Gone Mad


Some Good News in a World Gone Mad

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

For the first time since entrapped for five years, held hostage by US-supported terrorists in East Ghouta, thousands of Syrian civilians safely left the enclave though Russia’s humanitarian corridor - from newly liberated areas.

According to Russian General Vladimir Zolotukhin, “withdrawal of civilians from the settlements of Hamuria, Sakba and Khazze south of the city of Douma is being carried out along the humanitarian corridor opened on March 15.” 

“At present, more than 4,000 people have been withdrawn from Hamuria. The withdrawal of civilians continues. By the end of the day, at least 13,000 people are expected to leave.”

They’re receiving hot meals, fresh water and medical treatment as needed. On Thursday, a humanitarian convoy delivered 137 tons of food and medicines to Douma - lots more heading for liberated East Ghouta areas.

Sergey Lavrov said Russia will continue working to enforce Security Council resolutions, requiring respect for Syrian sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Contrary to its obligations, Washington seeks regime change and destruction of Syrian sovereignty, wanting pro-Western puppet rule replacing it.

Around four weeks after entering East Ghouta, Syrian forces separated US-supported terrorists into three surrounded pockets, over 70% of the enclave liberated.

Total liberation is coming unless US warplanes attack Syrian forces. Russia warned against it, vowing a harsh response.

A statement by Russia’s embassy in Washington warned the Trump administration “to refrain from irresponsible (actions) and plans that can lead to an irreversible escalation of the conflict,” adding:

“We warned Washington several days ago against being tempted to use provocations by Syrian militants, who use chemical weapons against civilians, to justify an attack on Damascus.” 

“Threats by the US ambassador to the UN…are apparently meant to reconcile everyone with its inevitability.”

Washington’s rage for regional and global dominance assures endless wars of aggression against nations already targeted and others to come - especially with Pompeo replacing Tillerson at State.

Russia’s commitment to world peace and stability, backed by super-weapons for enforcement, is humanity’s best hope for survival - perhaps the only hope united with China against endless US wars of aggression.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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