Frontrunning JFK Disclosure: It’s about Free Energy and UFOs – Taking account of the non-human presence on Earth


Global Intel Hub — 9/18/2024 — The Disclosure movement seems to be reaching the target critical mass, although it hasn’t yet entered the mainstream (it will).  While most are interested in hidden technology like ray guns and high speed train tunnels, we felt a need to nudge the narrative regarding the factual stats of what we know of the non-human presence on Earth in history and today.  Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence, they say, and we can add to that – meticulous and overwhelming research methods.  There are of course out there a lot of fakers, crisis actors, and Tik Tok videos made to discredit the real info, and it’s often difficult to say what’s real and what’s not.  So we aren’t going to splice hairs there, but to say that it’s not all fake, and clearly if the US Government is going through such lengths to hide something there must be a good reason, there’s likely 100x or 1,000x more interesting info than what we even can imagine.  This goes back to the Post WW2 global political power architecture, MJ12, JFK, and the Globalists.  Why does the CIA want to hide so badly the truth about JFK?  The common belief is because it shows culpability of the murder – but what if it’s something much, much deeper?  See this analysis from Dr. Michael Salla:

Perhaps the JFK issue is about Free Energy, and a Free open value-based system for Earth, which is a “Win Win” – currently we are in the Elite/Win Peasant/Lose system where no matter how you invest or try to game the system you’re always a loser either directly, through fraud, inflation, market crash, controlled weather disasters, or other “Accidents” like 9/11, the Titanic, school shootings, and other artificially contrived death events (and War.)  Perhaps Earth politics is a proxy for Exo-politics of the Custodians who are really managing this planet, and JFK was not only a witness to this, he was in a position to shift things to the positive side, the world without war, without poverty, without disease.

JFK went to Germany with Forrestal and saw the Nazi Space Program.  They had a fleet of ships, researchers argue about the number and capacity but there is overwhelming evidence that it did exist – JFK saw it personally.  The depth of this operation both from a society perspective and technology perspective is massive.  While RFK was not directly involved, (JFK was Navy) – as US President it’s highly likely he shared this information with his close brother, Robert.  There is no question that this was a big factor leading up to his murder; much of the newly established US establishment, the CIA, NASA, MJ-12, and other newly created organizations (ostensibly for this purpose?) were riddled with high commanding Nazi officers.

When Hitler knew winning was impossible, a deal was struck with secret integration, and his retirement in Bariloche, Argentina.  Parallel or ‘breakaway’ Germans running the secret space program who didn’t agree with the War Machine independently went to Antarctica and the Himalayas, and other planets, forming the basis of the interplanetary “Dark Fleet.”  Having connections with those Nazi’s as part of the integration program (CIA/NASA), the Dark Fleet worked hand in hand with the Germans inside the US deep state establishment.  In other words, the Deep State isn’t a German thing, but after World War 2 they certainly played a leading role in the Deep State, representing a dark power held by the Germans after the war, and perhaps has been a thing on Earth for at least 5,000 – 7,000 years or so.

This is also verified by very well documented “IBM and the Holocaust” Edwin Black.  The classified work done during and after the war is harder to verify, but we can paint a picture of what’s been going on based on credible testimony such as from William Tompkins.  The Germans did have an interstellar secret space program in the 1930s, and that was partially infiltrated by the US Navy special forces (call it whatever you want) remember there was no CIA in that time, this was pre-Intrepid period.  JFK was in the same circles in the US Navy, while JFK was not directly involved in those programs, after the war was over he did visit Germany with a group of special forces that went to Peenemünde to collect what documents and/or technology was left (or scientists).  They also organized the scientists to come to Alabama, under Paperclip, who basically started working for NASA.

US Agents certainly infiltrated the 1930s German Secret Space Program (SSP), and brought back something, the results likely looked at by groups at Stanford and MIT, including SRI, and including John G Trump. [2]  How close was Donald Trump to his uncle John?  Rumor has it that Trump was approached by a group of US Military Generals to run against the Cabal, as they were aware of bad things going on but couldn’t really do anything about it due to the power structure.  Whether that’s true or not, it is interesting that Trump also created Space Force, consolidated the Space operations of multiple military groups into one, and pressed for Disclosure.

Why was JFK killed you ask, it was because he was a Democrat bucking the system, or to create a new Federal Reserve Note, or it was the Mafia payback, or a Soviet target?  Those were all factors, but the elephant in the room is the technology from the SSPs which likely includes free energy.  Free Energy is real and it’s a game changer.  If there is a new financial system QFS being rolled out, it’s probably going to be backed by zero point energy of some kind.  As AI investors have just learned, energy is everything.  The US Dollar is sometimes called the Petro Dollar because it’s sort of backed by Oil, it’s actually the other way around.  Gold is a form of trapped energy which everyone agrees on the value, so Gold is the likely non-abstract / physical “Currency” if you will, but energy remains the largest commodity that consumers would buy with their Gold, so energy is really the foundation of any financial system.  This is what this business is about, and the Elite’s have a vested interest to maintain the debt-based slave currency system managed by their central banks.  The United States has always been about freeing itself in sovereignty from the chains of European feudalism (or other kinds of Feudalism) – but since the British lost the US Revolutionary war, they and their friends have infiltrated US society so deeply, US Policy is overwhelmingly Anti-American.

Quick history lesson, skip this if you already know it.  Humans are not the first intelligent life on Earth, in fact, our history is diversely populated with non-human beings and it’s written about in every single major religion without exception.  The Bible speaks of the Elohim (plural), as the Vedic texts speak of Vimanas including actual designs to build spaceships.  Native American Indian cultures describe both the “Star People” who came from above to create Humans, as well as the “Ant People” who came from below.  There isn’t an ancient culture that doesn’t have detailed accounts of non-human influence in Human affairs, so what changed?  Every generation the Custodians that manage control of the Human population need new tricks.  In the middle ages it was the Church, and society didn’t change much.  Then it was the New Age religions, Scientology, and the Occult.  As everyone who reads this far into an article with text knows, now it’s the internet – bots, Tik Tok, fake news, and other false info being promulgated right down our medula oblangada.

Ancient Aliens does a great objective take on signs from our ancient past that don’t match up with what we are taught.  History is a lie, astutely observed by Howard Zinn; the Elite write the history books.  The Nazi’s had a secret space program and interstellar travel technology.  They were working on a number of projects that involved ETs and technology that we do not recognize or admit we have today.  But Ancient Aliens and other well researched and produced programs stop short to say the important part out loud: Why did they leave, or DID they leave?  Maybe they are here right now, walking among us.

That’s what William Tompkins said, a credible witness from the US Navy.  This has been recently confirmed by JP, via Dr. Michael Salla, that there are facilities in US Military bases where Nordics and other ETs “Become Human.”  Tompkins said he estimated in the 1960s there were 100,000 or so blonde Nordic ETs living with us, renting apartments, who looked spoke and acted like us and nobody would ever know.  Perhaps you have encountered one.  Science Fiction is seemingly more truth than many realize.

Inner Earth – Author Radu Cinemar claims there are as many as 12 + civilizations living inside the Earth and under the Oceans.  Other witnesses such as JP have corroborated this intelligence via several missions; one where an undersea city was visited, and several missions to the Ant People.  Ancient cultures including the Jewish Kabala speak of having help from beings who had magical powers and came ‘from inside the Earth.’  Some of them are actively cooperating with surface governments.  Many UFO sightings may be attributed to these groups living in remote places like Alaska, the Himalayas, and Antarctica.  What are the populations of their cities?  We don’t know, perhaps thousands, perhaps millions – but they are there.  How many beings in each group is unknown, possibly thousands or millions.  See Forgotton Genesis by Radu Cinemar for further info.

In a document leaked which can be dated around the 1960s, the CIA was monitoring 57 different types of Aliens who have interacted with Earth in one form or another.  Through their communication with ETs such as “JRod” and others, intel says there are 100,000 planets/civilizations with intelligent life with space programs (capable of interstellar travel) just in the Milky Way.

Then there are the Multi-dimensionals, or beings that can come in and out of our reality via other dimensions or other unknown methods.  Mystics have often referenced Angels as ‘beings of light’ and there is a large interest in the ‘spirit’ world of ghosts and other non-physical energies.  This largely unknown realm has a lot of evidence that it exists but each new finding raises more questions than answers – we really know very little about this world (or these worlds).

In the 1990s Kaku pioneered Super String theory that shows mathematically there are 11 Dimensions, which is actually an infinite fractal because you can have dimensions inside of dimensions, pocket universes, the multi-verse, and the anti-verse.  This provides a mathematical framework for our local cosmos, where we can imagine for ETs the hurdles of time and distance are not a problem.  Some have speculated that before a UFO vanishes, it opens up a type of portal or wormhole and this may be how they travel such long distances.

Hybrid programs – Alien abductions typically run in the family, or involve pregnancies.  Sometimes pregnant women are abducted and they report some experimentation to their fetus (of unknown specifics..) and their child is born with unusual abilities, with math or being very psychic.

Seeders – A group of 24 advanced races from the Galaxy were involved in seeding the genetics of human kind, and they each contributed part of their DNA to the process.  Sources say the Annunaki ran this operation in cooperation with other groups such as Pleiades and others.  There is something special about the combination of the DNA, which is stronger than by itself.  For more information on this topic see Seeders: Return of the Gods by Elena Danaan

Look-alikes – According to clinical researcher Mary Rodwell, who has collected more than 3500 cases involving human – non-human contact and abduction experiences, there are hybrids among us who are half human half ET “Upgrades” if you will, who look just like us.  She also reiterates the theory of intelligent design, that 12 (some say 24) races of intelligent beings had a hand in the original seeding of human DNA, and some of those groups continue to keep an eye on our DNA evolution and provide guidance at key milestones in our development.  The research here is astounding, as people who do not know each other, some who are children, will draw in great detail beings that match completely, even though the 2 subjects do not know each other.  Certainly some portion of abductee cases are hallucinations or fantasies, but clearly not all of them are – especially with physical evidence.  In response to the question is there a hybrid program going on, or a plot to take over our planet – perhaps we have always been the result of genetic seeding by higher races?  Certainly this argument is reinforced by every major religion, perhaps as Joseph Campbell described in his research.

CIA Data

The CIA says they know about 57 Alien races that are humanoid.  Other sources say the US Government has dealings with 11 species, and 3 or 4 are friendly (the rest hostile).

Wanderers – In the book “Ra Material” they state there are 50 Million or so “Wanderers” who are incarnated Earth tourists.  They typically have allergies, high IQs, or are recluse.

The US Government has reported dealings with 11-12 ET Non Human groups, both ETs and Inner Earthers, according to Phil Schneider.  The organization that’s likely leading those discussions is the CIA which is part of the military.  The Cosmic Top Secret military divisions are there as well.  Perhaps the CIA was setup just to engage on this level?  It was created just months after Roswell.

Deep State

The Deep State is an interesting word, the common meaning may not be the precise meaning it was intended to convey.  Deep underground, could be another interpretation.  Maybe the “Deep State” is not the ‘shadow government’ i.e. Bankers, but the non-humans ruling Earth from Deep Underground.  Listen to ex- NAVY Gene Decode explain:

Every State Capital, the US Government buildings in DC, and Cathedrals in Europe all have access to underground tunnel systems, for unknown reasons.  Why else? What is the reason for the underground tunnel networks.  This is the topic for a future article.

Think about this next time you hear someone say “Deep State.”

1975 – 105 species visiting Earth, say sources.  How many are visiting today?


This topic needs to be front and center in the mainstream narrative because this is what matters, because free energy and Med Beds (Heath Technology) can impact our lives positively today, it’s not an esoteric topic for discussion over a blunt.  This is real, this is our history, we need to own it, and lead the narrative for our own race, not be deceived by the Deep Underground State who has been doing this for at least 7,000 years.

There is no accident that RFK Jr. and Donald Trump are emerging as leaders during a time in which a Disclosure plan has been enacted, because their bloodlines are connected to the Disclosure plot.  They say that Trump is playing 5D Chess, but what is that anyway?  Perhaps it includes the “Fifth Element” i.e. Exopolitics, which is a hidden hand that has always been behind the Human system for better or worse, since creation.  Ushering in a new “Golden Age” would include:

  • QFS or a fair value based financial system (as opposed to the current Central Banking Debt / Tax system)
  • Age slowing and healing health technologies
  • Advanced manufacturing and transportation systems
  • Free energy
  • QBI
  • Trade with Non-Human civilizations

The Human Elites that represent the Deep State are keeping many secrets from us, but most important is the free energy and access to technologies and knowledge that can directly impact our lives, which would end in one moment world hunger, war, disease, and other imposed “Problems” used as a tool to divide and conquer.

This article also featured on Zero Hedge –

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See our recent article on a TN based Ancient Site (possibly Ancient Portal or Ritual site) 

These artistic renditions of what the Inner Earth may look like created with Adobe Firefly – enjoy!



[3] Mary Rodwell has worked on approximately 3500 cases of individuals having extraterrestrial encounters since 1995 when she began her research in Australia after emigrating from her native Britain where she worked professionally as a nurse and mid-wife. The catalyst for her new interest were two books authored by Dr. John Mack and Whitley Streiber dealing with extraterrestrial abduction cases. In 1997, Rodwell created the Australian Close Encounter Research Network and has found that 85% of encounters experienced by individuals are positive, while 15% of her cases involve negative experiences. While she acknowledges that some of the traumatic experiences derive from negative extraterrestrial groups, the majority come from human military forces re-abducting experiencers and subjecting them to trauma in what are known as MILABS.  She has helped individuals overcome traumatic memories associated with their abductions and integrate their extraterrestrial encounters in ways that raise their consciousness and activate latent DNA abilities. Also, many of the experiences she has hypnotically regressed remember past lives on different planets and have come to Earth to raise consciousness and become the foundation for the emergence of “New Humans.” Rodwell asserts that she helps individuals understand their soul contracts with different extraterrestrials in order to help them integrate their experiences and memories. She believes that humanity is being genetically upgraded through extraterrestrial encounters that lead to changes in DNA and consciousness that result in the emergence of  “New Humans.” Rodwell responds to controversial issues raised by Dr. Michael Salla about different types of extraterrestrials involved in encounters and their respective agendas. While human-looking extraterrestrials emphasize the importance of conscious consent in making contact, others such as Grays, Zetas, Reptilians and Insectoids involved in abductions emphasize instead “soul contracts” and subconscious desires. She also responds to questions about the creation of Gray-human hybrids whom researchers such as Dr. David Jacobs believe constitute a threat to humanity. Rodwell believes that the overall impact of extraterrestrial encounters are positive and are making an enormous contribution by helping in the emergence of “New Humans” whose heightened abilities and consciousness surpasses normal homo sapiens. She is very optimistic that in the immediate years ahead, there will be sweeping positive changes on our planet as humans continue to evolve and transform through extraterrestrial encounters and the effect of starseeds raising human consciousness. Mary Rodwell’s main websites are: and

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Tibor Brown
5 months ago

If some of these alien civilizations do have contact with humanity why did they allow the destruction of so many previous civilizations on Earth? Surely it would have also benefited such other aliens to be able to associate / a learn more with higher levels of intelligence