Fascist Israeli MK Calls Palestinians Insects, Dogs, Human Scum
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Oren Hazan is considered a bad boy lawmaker, a Likudnik extremist, a notorious Islamophobe, earlier expelled from the Knesset’s foreign affairs and defense committees for unacceptable behavior.
Haaretz once called hm “a clown in a suit and tie…a phenomenon best ignored.”
Earlier he verbally assaulted Knesset Arab MKs, saying “(w)e’re gonna shut your mouths and we’re going to speak the truth.”
“There is no Palestinian People. And there has never been a Palestinian People.”
“There is a Palestinian Moron. And you will stay a Palestinian Moron. And you know that even Ama (a dish detergent liquid brand) is worth more than the Palestinians.”
He’s a notorious Arab baiter, often heckling them in Knesset remarks, insulting other lawmakers.
The Knesset’s ethics committee criticized his unacceptable behavior numerous times. Even Netanyahu can’t stand him.
A Christmas day, he boarded a bus from Gaza with Palestinians heading to visit their detained family members in Israel.
He verbally assaulted them, calling them “insects,” “beasts,” “dogs,” and “terrorists.”
The ICRC condemned the incident, calling it deplorable, saying it “reminds (Israeli) authorities of their responsibility to ensure that family visits take place safely and are protected from assaults of any kind.”
The organization coordinates visits by family members to see their detained relatives.
“The families of Palestinians from Gaza detained in Israel travel to visit their relatives in buses that are escorted by the police,” the ICRC explained. They have a right travel “in a dignified manner.”
“The police didn’t hinder the member of the Knesset Oren Hazan from going on the bus and verbally attacking the mother of a detainee.”
“It is the responsibility of the competent authorities to ensure that the visits take place safely and without interference.”
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said his verbal “assault confirm(ed) the involvement of Israeli…authorities in this (incident) because they had prior knowledge of the Israeli right-wing parties’ intention to board the bus of the prisoners’ families from the Gaza Strip,” adding:
“(T)his assault amounts to inhuman and degrading treatment that is criminalized under the international Convention against Torture.”
Hazan boarded the bus along the Israeli/Gaza border – together with others opposing visitation rights for families of Palestinian prisoners.
Once he called for exterminating family members of Palestinians accused of terrorism by Israel. A television crew accompanied him on his latest affront to decency.
He wanted the incident recorded for airing on social media. “(I)t’s not a question of family visits. This is a reality that must stop, and that’s why I came to confront the beasts,” he roared adding:
“We will erase the ugly smiles from you face.” Police accompanying the bus with Palestinian family member did nothing to stop him.
Before coming to Israel, Hazan managed a casino in Bulgaria, moonlighting as a pimp.
The Palestinian Prisoners Club called his verbal assault “barbaric.”
Hazan is an extreme example of Israel’s Ziofascist criminal class – an Islamophobic police state masquerading as democratic.
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