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Fake Science Exposed as modern Information Warfare tool in Business


GlobalIntelHub.com -- 6/5/2024 -- Disruptive companies and individuals that do not bow to the Establishment worldview often find themselves under attack overtly and covertly, this is not news, it has been going on for thousands of years.  History is the story of the struggle between the haves and the have-nots, says Dr. Tony Blanton.

Nature.com published a Scientific Paper here [1] that concludes that SpaceX mission to Mars is 'not feasible.'  There's only one problem with their conclusion, their analysis is based on 'limited information' based on their own assumptions and extrapolations.  So basically, the author created data by assuming, extrapolating, and then concluded that those assumptions were incorrect.  Then, the conclusion is transported to SpaceX feasibility of the Mars mission, that it's basically not feasible, based on the limited data set, and the conclusions based on that data.  But what about data that SpaceX doesn't publish?

The heart of the issue is that SpaceX specifically doesn't publish public information, nor do they file patents on key systems (they have filed a number of patents however they do so with caution).  Elon has said this publicly:

In a 2017 interview, Musk said “We have essentially no patents in SpaceX.” In 2022, he again reiterated this claim, saying, “We don't really patent. Our primary long-term competition is China. IF we published patents, it would be farcical, because the Chinese would just use them as a recipe book.”

Meanwhile, whistleblowers from Navy Intelligence such as Dan Willis, have stated the US Military (who has an active engagement with SpaceX) has had anti-gravity technology at least since the 1955 era [2]:

Watch the full interview here:

Interestingly, under Project Paperclip, the initial directors of NASA were high ranking NAZI officials, who worked directly under Hitler.  That's not a conspiracy theory, they were brought here by the US Military and this is a public, well documented fact, see Kurt Debus [3]:

During World War II, Debus was a member of the Nazi Party, and joined the SA in 1933 and the SS in 1940 [No 426.559].[7][8] Debus was appointed by Hitler as the V-weapons flight test director and was actively engaged in the rocket research program at Peenemünde and the development of the V-2 rocket, Debus led the Test Stand Group[9] personnel at Peenemünde[10] and was the engineer in charge at Test Stand VII.[11] 

He was brought to the United States as part of Operation Paperclip, a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were brought from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe.[12][13]

So who is the main author of the Nature.com article, where do they work, and what is their motivation?

Dr.-Ing. Volker Maiwald is a researcher at DLR, the German space agency. [4]  He is a professional researcher, and has a Phd from the University of Bremen where he was a Lecturer [Linked In].

The recommendations may be telling of the motivation of the article:

Include more (international) partners, incl. possibly political organizations (of the space sector or others) to enhance the necessary technology development in relevant fields such as ISRU, Power generation, ECLSS

In other words, DLR should be included in the Mars mission.  SpaceX cannot do it alone.  The article is very detailed and explains with lots of numbers and formulas that it won't work.  To the author's credit, it is a very well written research piece, and they do say in the article that it's based on limited data - well done, Volker.  The research and output is impressive, for sure. But 90% of people or 99% won't read the article, they will just read the headline and look at the conclusion.  Other people will source the article as evidence, so by inserting this into the research sphere of the internet, it creates a negative reference that can be used by the Elon haters.

We're not in any way blaming DLR or the author, they have done great research.  But we need to defend the truth in that articles like this will certainly be misinterpreted, especially with all the potential for anti-Musk hate, which is rampant.

Aside from the article, what if SpaceX has access to other technologies, and the public narrative is a white wash?

We're not suggesting SpaceX has access to this, but we do know that the US Government has thousands of patents for free energy and anti-gravitation devices which are under lock and key.  Let's just take a look at this case, from a credible whistleblower, Andrew Basiago.

Andrew Basiago

Whistleblower Andrew Basiago, currently a lawyer in Washington State, claims to have been part of a secret "Project Pegasus" where he used a Portal they called a "Jumpgate" to visit Mars more than 20 missions, including some with former President Obama (this was in the early 1980s when he was still "Barry").

He remembers the address where they would take the elevator down, 999 North Sepulveda Boulevard (Go there on Google Maps).  Currently, the home of Ice Cream, murals, and a local bar:

Interestingly, this site which would be deep underground here, is close to the SpaceX main HQ:

Basiago's location of the Jump Gate is at B, SpaceX is at A.  And both are in close proximity to Hollywood Studios, where films about this topic have been produced as "Science Fiction."

These are all just interesting coincidences, LA is a popular place, no doubt - but interesting nonetheless.

It's also interesting that DLR where the author of the Nature.com article works, had advanced technologies stolen from them, after the war, and moved to South Florida under the guise of NASA.

Of all the NASA launches, SpaceX produces the greater majority of rockets and all Space hardware for NASA.

Warner Von Braun, who can be credited for creating modern Rocketry we are discussing today, said in a 1953 novel that a man named "Elon" would take us to mars. [5]

Recently Zero Hedge headlined the scary fact that publisher Wiley has walked back more than 11,000 Scientific Journals: [4]

217 year old Wiley science publisher has reportedly "peer reviewed" more than 11,000 papers that were determined to be fake without ever noticing. The papers were referred to as "naked gobbledygook sandwiches",  Australian blogger Jo Nova wrote on her blog last week

"It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry," she said. "Who knew, academic journals were a $30 billion dollar industry?"

According to Nova's post, professional cheating services are employing AI to craft seemingly "original" academic papers by shuffling around words. For instance, terms like "breast cancer" morphed into "bosom peril," and a "naïve Bayes" classifier turns into "gullible Bayes."  Similarly, in one paper, an ant colony was bizarrely rebranded as an "underground creepy crawly state." 

This follow on research article is dropping breadcrumbs for Alice to further go down the rabbit hole.  We felt it appropriate to end with a fight song from local Hawthorne/Compton native Ice Cube, where SpaceX HQ is.

Do your thing man, f what they lookin' at-

If SpaceX is in fact a white wash, meaning it's a tool for slow-drip of Disclosure, where they will one day come out and say "We've always had a space fleet, don't you remember?" - there couldn't be a better location for it than just south of Hollywood, near LAX and the OC defense complex of formerly Douglas Aircraft - > RAND Corporation, now home to Anduril, and nearby General Dynamics.

Meanwhile, to invest in private companies, checkout Venture Capital Cross.

[1] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-54012-0

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ52tF0OD9c

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Debus

[4] https://www.dlr.de/en

[5] https://www.cnet.com/culture/elon-musks-first-name-shows-up-in-1953-book-about-colonizing-mars/

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