— 3/26/2023 — Psychological Operations or “PsyOps” have completely taken over our culture. We are living in the days where the generation that grew up listening to MK Ultra project Kurt Cobain “Oh well, whatever – nevermind!” is now making decisions and operating society with little historical or spiritual context, themselves creating the own PsyOp prisons they grew up listening too. There is so much contrived culture and controlled opposition, original thought is a rare commodity these days.
So let’s start from the top, fellas! Always reported first on Zero Hedge, the Deep State is publicly announcing deep fakes and PsyOps:
US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) wants to use deepfake videos to conduct propaganda and deception campaigns online, according to federal contracting documents reviewed by The Intercept.While the U.S. government routinely warns against the risk of deepfakes and is openly working to build tools to counter them, the document from Special Operations Command, or SOCOM, represents a nearly unprecedented instance of the American government — or any government — openly signaling its desire to use the highly controversial technology offensively. SOCOM’s next generation propaganda aspirations are outlined in a procurement document that lists capabilities it’s seeking for the near future and soliciting pitches from outside parties that believe they’re able to build them. -The Intercept
When the Military says they are developing a new technology, that means really they have been using it for years, and now they are downgrading it and selling it to our ‘tier 2’ partners like Japan. The public announcement of such technologies is good sales, this stuff is expensive to produce and it’s good to have some of the costs financed. What are ‘deep fake’ videos? It means totally generated by computers, or CGI. Look at this:
In-Q-Tel, the Venture firm owned and operated by the CIA, has been funding technology to do deep fakes since at least around the 2000 – 2005 era; this is known technology, and old technology. It’s being used in Hollywood films, TV commercials, and video games. See the latest Samsung commercial for the new s23 Ultra, with mixed reality:
Major film productions like Avatar are pushing the limits of what is possible with computer generated graphics. In today’s world, it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s fake. See this real-time green screen example:
In case you aren’t a gamer, the CGI technology private software firms have enables them to create an artificial reality in real time that cannot be distinguished from ‘reality.’
In 2017 the US Government posted an opportunity for bid on a project for “Information Warfare” or in plain English, a troll army for social media, for $70 Million USD per year budget. We know this because with our previous technology company Bloc10, we bid on the contract, and lost. Since this contract has since been deemed “Classified” there is scant information online we can reference, however, it’s clear that the Fact Checkers are now a force online, with funding from major leftist radical organizations. In 2020 Soros admitted a $1 Billion investment in ‘re-education’ i.e. content farms of ‘fact checked’ information.
The Fact Checker / Troll army has been noted by Wikipedia founder Larry Sanger, who says that Wikipedia has become a mouthpiece for the establishment, NOT an objective, reliable source of information:
Now you can only rely on the site to “to give an establishment point of view,” rather than the diverse range of opinions it was set up to give, he insisted. “If only one version of the facts is allowed then that gives a huge incentive to wealthy and powerful people to seize control of things like Wikipedia in order to shore up their power,” he said.
So what are all these trolls doing? Fact Checking, and creating wild theories and fantasies. This is called Psychological Operations or “PsyOps” for short. They are real memes – a meme is a virus of the mind. Read this great 1995 article on the topic of what a meme is, and how it can be weaponized (inferring here..). If you have not heard of PsyOps, read this guide first.
Fake News – Fake Content
Here we are going to look at some troll created content and theories. In some cases, they took something and went with it (not their own original creation, they just elaborated and exaggerated.) In other cases, they created fake plots and created fake evidence to support it. Interestingly, many players who support these wild theories are themselves experts in CGI creation and/or are programmers at video game companies, or founders of video game companies, or high end graphics generation companies (or have worked in the sector). They are all graphics experts. In all of these cases, content appears online with no history, no context, no author – they just ‘appear’ and get shared around by the trolls. People engage in the content as a form of denialism from real things happening on our planet, things that can really impact their lives in a positive way (mostly). Mostly, but not 100% in all cases, this content seems to be negative, or create a reptilian brain response:
The reptilian brain, the oldest of the three, controls the body’s vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature and balance. Our reptilian brain includes the main structures found in a reptile’s brain: the brainstem and the cerebellum. The reptilian brain is reliable but tends to be somewhat rigid and compulsive.
Also, when you are experiencing reality through your reptilian brain, it’s rewiring your brain to be primarily reptilian and not from your higher consciousness. Or in other words, it can disrupt the functioning of your pineal gland, which is the source of our connection to other realms via meditation and theta waves.
1 Flat Earth
This is not satire. There are people who really believe the Earth is flat. They have conferences, forums, facebook groups, and who knows what other formats where they exchange absurd ideas and compare notes on false experts. The tidiest explanation for this phenomenon is not stupidity, it’s Denialism. Flat Earth has been around since the middle ages, that’s not new. What’s weird is that it’s popularity is exploding upwards, at the same time companies like SpaceX and others are generating thousands of daily images of round Earth. Of course, the FE (Flat Earth) crowd doesn’t accept any evidence from such companies because it’s obviously ‘faked.’ It’s only possible to see the curvature of the earth if you are at 35,000 feet or above. So pilots are an obvious source of evidence – and so they are excluded. Here are 2 great articles on how anyone can prove the Earth is round:
Why do people believe in something they all know to be false? The best answer is the most simple, it’s a form of Denialism:
In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person’s choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth.[1] Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.[2]In the sciences, denialism is the rejection of basic facts and concepts that are undisputed, well-supported parts of the scientific consensus on a subject, in favor of ideas that are radical, controversial, or fabricated.[3] The terms Holocaust denial and AIDS denialism describe the denial of the facts and the reality of the subject matters,[4] and the term climate change denial describes denial of the scientific consensus that the climate change of planet Earth is a real and occurring event primarily caused in geologically recent times by human activity.[5] The forms of denialism present the common feature of the person rejecting overwhelming evidence and trying to generate political controversy in attempts to deny the existence of consensus.[6][7] The motivations and causes of denialism include religion, self-interest (economic, political, or financial), and defence mechanisms meant to protect the psyche of the denialist against mentally disturbing facts and ideas; such disturbance is called cognitive dissonance in psychology terms.[8][9]
It is a process that operates by employing one or more of the following five tactics to maintain the appearance of legitimate controversy:[6][12]
- Conspiracy theories – Dismissing the data or observation by suggesting opponents are involved in “a conspiracy to suppress the truth”.
- Cherry picking – Selecting an anomalous critical paper supporting their idea, or using outdated, flawed, and discredited papers to make their opponents look as though they base their ideas on weak research. Diethelm and McKee (2009) note, “Denialists are usually not deterred by the extreme isolation of their theories, but rather see it as an indication of their intellectual courage against the dominant orthodoxy and the accompanying political correctness.”[6]
- False experts – Paying an expert in the field, or another field, to lend supporting evidence or credibility. This goes hand-in-hand with the marginalization of real experts and researchers.[6]
- Moving the goalposts – Dismissing evidence presented in response to a specific claim by continually demanding some other (often unfulfillable) piece of evidence (aka Shifting baseline)
- Other logical fallacies – Usually one or more of false analogy, appeal to consequences, straw man, or red herring.
The most basic way to show the curvature of the Earth without using airplanes or spaceships is the laser experiment. If you shoot a laser over 10 miles you will have measurable curvature, all you need is a couple of pieces of wood and 10 miles of flat Earth, such as exists in Utah. The catch is that these lasers cost $20,000 or so, and so the only people who have this handy are surveyors, who mostly work for the government – or private real estate survey companies, which will charge you nearly that much for such a task. Obviously, this is very comfortable for the FE community.
What’s crazy about FE is they do not have any evidence to support their claims – shoddy ‘videos’ if you can call them that, and if you confront them with any facts that refute their beliefs, they start screaming and don’t listen. It’s like going into a Church and saying God doesn’t exist. Having a Dogma is fine, but this crowd is particularly toxic. Is the PsyOp affecting their brains, or does FE attract a certain type of idiot? Or a combination of both? What we do see that’s consistent in FE is irrational arguments and tendency to not look at facts.
One of the possible effects of the FE campaign, should it be an organized PsyOp, is rewiring people’s brains to not look at facts, or obvious things that are happening in front of them. When your mind is wired like this, there could be a comet heading right for your head and you would just stare at it. Don’t believe it? Try this experiment, what do you see?
90% of people who watch this don’t see the Gorilla. This is how PsyOps work.
The psychological trade off is the FE users are getting their fantasy, their denialism plays out in their ego, and their other false narratives are re-enforced (if the Earth is Flat, then maybe I really do speak to Elvis!). So it’s not for nothing. Who are we to take that away from them? Fragile egos can otherwise be shattered, leaving only a rotting piece of meat.
2 Mud Flood / Star Forts / Tartary
According to this wacky theory, there was a huge flood on the Earth 150 years ago, or so, that buried buildings and other structures under the mud. This is suspicious, because there is evidence of a 12,000 year cyclical cataclysm, as referenced in the Bible and every other major religious text. And there is evidence to support that theory, but none for “MudFlood”. There is no evidence of a 19th or 18th century Mud Flood. The ‘photo’ evidence they share are obvious fakes. Who is generating them and why? We don’t know. Here are a few examples.
In the conspiracy theory, the idea that a “mud flood” wiped out much of the world via depopulation and thus old buildings is common, supported by the fact that many buildings across the world have architectural elements like doors, windows and archways submerged many feet below “ground level”. Both World War I and II are cited as a way in which Tartaria was destroyed and hidden, reflecting the reality that the extensive bombing campaigns of World War II did destroy many historic buildings. The general evidence for the theory is that there are similar styles of building around the world, such as capitol buildings with domes, or star forts. Also many photographs from the turn of the 20th century appear to show deserted city streets in many capital cities across the world. When people do start to appear in the photographs there is a striking contrast between the horse and cart dwellers in the muddy streets and the elaborate, highly ornate stone mega-structures which tower above the inhabitants of the cities, which is seen even in modern cities where extreme poverty is contrasted with skyscrapers.[12][13]
Here’s an example of mixed reality mud flood propaganda:
If you just consider the physical mathematics required to justify these theories, they are totally absurd. Everything we are taught in school is wrong, we know that. But that doesn’t mean that all Trolls are right! This is the playing field where they operate.
They are manipulating weak minds for another purpose, this is beyond controlled opposition, they are controlling the controlled opposition. They are not ‘trolling’ people, they are creating a new race of dogmatic anti-thinkers, a generation of slaves. By implanting these viruses of the mind, it changes the way the brain works, or ‘rewiring’ of the brain.
The Mud Flood theory is supported only by troll posts of images which are obviously CGI generated. Have a look at these ancient ruins generated by Epic Games Unreal Engine:
Source: Unreal Engine
Does this look real? The Unreal engine was so ahead of it’s time, it was named “Unreal” because you often cannot tell the difference. To a computer expert, the above image is obviously CGI. So there is one deep fake method that can apply filters to make it more ‘lifelike’ – Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects can create anything you can imagine – and it’s all in the filters. For example, see this image from an article “Best Photoshop filters” –
2. Aurora HDR
Skylum Aurora HDR lets you create natural-looking HDR images.
MudFlood is inserting a false narrative on the backs of the mainstream false narrative. Mostly what we are taught in school is wrong. For example, the bogus story of human origins from amoebas in primordial soup which randomly created life, has been proven to be false / impossible. These limited hangouts are cover stories, and a distraction, from what’s really going on. Spending brain time and rewiring your brain to block facts will mean that you cannot process reality, no matter how clearly it was shoved in your face. Or in other words, you would fail to see a dancing Gorilla in front of you, because of the mental blind spot created by this technique. From an operational standpoint, it’s an absolutely brilliant strategy that is effective. Based on the quality of the PsyOp, our opinion is this is institutional, it’s a RAND corporation op, being authorized by the Military, and executed by the private contractor. Read more on the infowar:
The PSYOP practitioner, together with other special operations forces, shoulders the ability to understand, operate within, and influence populations, but given the growing power of influence operations in the cyber domain, it is increasingly important for all forces to understand, operate within, and influence populations. The United States will continue to encounter foes who seek to conduct nonstandard, unconventional, and irregular warfare. Regardless of the methods that may be used by these adversaries, the ultimate objective is to change perception and opinion. After decommissioning the US Information Agency in the late 1990s, influencers have had no unifying agency to coordinate messaging across the internet. However, influencers have still understood the importance of leveraging the internet as a critical piece of infrastructure. Nevertheless, to use this infrastructure effectively, a practitioner must also be well versed and well practiced in changing the behaviors of the internet’s human users. … The erosion of global borders is inversely proportional to the growth in internet usage. Contemporary life, therefore, has a ubiquitous digital component; increasingly, people around the globe log into a thriving online society that mirrors the physical community. Therefore, cyberspace and its influence have undoubtedly shaped all interactions, up to and including warfare, and technology has increased options for the antagonist as much as it has for the protagonist. Those that “seize the key terrain of social-media exploitation will have strategic military advantage.”
3 Tartaria conspiracy theory – European Architecture Mysteries / Star Forts
The source of this content seems to be related to Mud Flood and Flat Earth, or in other words, there seem to be known trolls who are disseminating this into the internet. This theory is that the Renaissance never happened, and that Europe’s churches and complex buildings were not built by humans. Similar to Flat Earth, they do not offer a theory as to ‘who’ built them, although there are millions of accounts of how the buildings were built, by slaves. Masons held the secrets to build cathedrals, using tools like keystones, to build domes and arcs. There are no papers written on this ‘theory’ – no books, just internet videos with no source, anonymous authors.
Let’s first look at Star Forts, or Bastion Forts:
The design of the fort is normally a polygon with bastions at the corners of the walls. These outcroppings eliminated protected blind spots, called “dead zones”, and allowed fire along the curtain from positions protected from direct fire. Many bastion forts also feature cavaliers, which are raised secondary structures based entirely inside the primary structure. Their predecessors, medieval fortresses, were usually placed on high hills. From there, arrows were shot at the enemies. The enemies’ hope was to either ram the gate or climb over the wall with ladders and overcome the defenders. For the invading force, these fortifications proved quite difficult to overcome, and accordingly, fortresses occupied a key position in warfare. Passive ring-shaped (Enceinte) fortifications of the Medieval era proved vulnerable to damage or destruction when attackers directed cannon fire on to perpendicular masonry wall. In addition, attackers that could get close to the wall were able to conduct undermining operations in relative safety, as the defenders could not shoot at them from nearby walls, until the development of Machicolation. In contrast, the bastion fortress was a very flat structure composed of many triangular bastions, specifically designed to cover each other, and a ditch. To counteract the cannonballs, defensive walls were made lower and thicker. To counteract the fact that lower walls were easier to climb, the ditch was widened so that attacking infantry were still exposed to fire from a higher elevation, including enfilading fire from the bastions. The outer side of the ditch was usually provided with a glacis to deflect cannonballs aimed at the lower part of the main wall. Further structures, such as ravelins, tenailles, hornworks or crownworks, and even detached forts could be added to create complex outer works to further protect the main wall from artillery, and sometimes provide additional defensive positions. They were built of many materials, usually earth and brick, as brick does not shatter on impact from a cannonball as stone does.[2] Bastion fortifications were further developed in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, primarily in response to the French invasion of the Italian peninsula. The French army was equipped with new cannon and bombards that were easily able to destroy traditional fortifications built in the Middle Ages. Star forts were employed by Michelangelo in the defensive earthworks of Florence, and refined in the sixteenth century by Baldassare Peruzzi and Vincenzo Scamozzi. The design spread out of Italy in the 1530s and 1540s.
These star forts are amazing, but they are no mystery. They can be built using rudimentary tools, many of them incorporate Earth hills in the wall systems. The one thing they had in that time that we do not have today, slave labor. Castles and forts took years to build, in some cases, 50 or 100 years. The original architects would not live to see their works completed. It’s not difficult to see how Star Forts were built, and the architects of the time had designed much more complex structures. We have access to those designs, books, documents, witness accounts, and physical evidence (tools, workshops, etc.).
For example the Venetian Arsenal was opened in 1104, which was by itself a work of art, but it was a factory that produced war ships, guns, and other useful things:
Venice developed methods of mass-producing warships in the Arsenal, including the frame-first system to replace the Roman hull-first practice. This new system was much faster and required less wood. At the peak of its efficiency in the early 16th century, the Arsenal employed some 16,000 people who apparently were able to produce nearly one ship each day, and could fit out, arm, and provision a newly built galley with standardized parts on a production-line basis not seen again until the Industrial Revolution.[2] View of the Entrance to the Arsenal by Canaletto, 1732. The staff of the Arsenal, who were united by their distinct professional identity,[10] also developed new firearms at an early date, beginning with bombards in the 1370s and numerous small arms for use against the Genoese a few years later. The muzzle velocity of handguns was improved beyond that of the crossbow, creating armor-piercing rounds. Arsenal-produced arms were also noteworthy for their multi-purpose utility; the Venetian condottieri leader, Bartolomeo Colleoni, is usually given credit as being the first to mount the Arsenal’s new lighter-weight artillery on mobile carriages for field use. Gianmaria Maffioletti’s print depicting the Venetian Arsenal in 1797, with ships, facilities, and equipment, immediately before the pillage by Bonaparte’s occupation forces. (Naval History Museum, Venice). The Arsenal’s main gate, the Porta Magna, was built around 1460 and was one of the first works of Venetian Renaissance architecture. It was based on the Roman Arch of the Sergii, a triumphal arch in Pula in Istra, now in Croatia but then Venetian territory.[11] It was perhaps built by Antonio Gambello from a design by Jacopo Bellini. Two lions taken from Greece situated beside it were added in 1687. One of the lions, known as the Piraeus Lion, has runic defacements carved in it by invading Scandinavian mercenaries during the 11th century.

You can visit this place today. Italians probably have relatives they can trace back to being part of this history. Churches kept records of births, deaths, and marriages for much longer. Books and other operational documents, journals, logs, invoices, shipping receipts, and other evidence, can be found in museums, in paintings, and in historical archives. [1]
The crazy thing about these theories is they don’t have a theory. There’s no book, no evidence, just idiotic meaningless memes.
They claim that the Cathedrals, Star Forts, and other buildings were not built by man – but they make no assertions as to who built them, even though there is a firehose of evidence how they were built. They are trying to grow a generation of people to dispute facts in front of their faces! The Italian Renaissance is a hoax, they say. Nevermind there are people alive who are the sons of DeMedici, who have family records showing how these structures were built. Libraries, thousands of books, millions of records – all part of a grand hoax. There are millions of people who actually believe this stuff, make no mistake this is a force to be reckoned with.
St. Peters Basilica is one of the most complex and ornate structures in Europe, it took 150 years to build and is very well documented: [2]
Construction of the present basilica began on 18 April 1506 and was completed on 18 November 1626.[2]
Designed principally by Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, Carlo Maderno and Gian Lorenzo Bernini, St. Peter’s is the most renowned work of Renaissance architecture[3] and the largest church in the world by interior measure.[note 1] While it is neither the mother church of the Catholic Church nor the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome (these equivalent titles being held by the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran in Rome), St. Peter’s is regarded as one of the holiest Catholic shrines. It has been described as “holding a unique position in the Christian world”,[4] and as “the greatest of all churches of Christendom.”[3][5]
Source: Wikipedia
Amazing building, but not a mystery. We know who built these buildings, and how.
People who believe in these theories are not conspiracy theorists, they are victims of a mind control operation (whether the origin was organic or created, the trolls took it and ran with it, embellish it.. ). This is a form of Pseudoskepticism, these people do not have genuine critiques or arguments, they have only the ability to share fake content and disregard any evidence shoved under their nose. That’s mass psychosis, consensus trance, a form of group denialism. They are denying all physics, relativity, string theory, gravity, history, knowledge, everything. All airplanes, trains, satellites, computer technology, the military, medicine, every industry – all run on gravity based Newtonian physics. If the Earth was really flat, we’d need to recalibrate all of our watches because this violates basic math how we calculate trajectory, and I’m not referring to rockets, throw a baseball and watch it hit the ground. Seasons, gravity, motion dynamics, are all based on planets being spheres rotating around cores. We can measure the magnetism of the poles, these are not only observable phenomenon, they are measurable, and self-evident.
What they are doing is brain surgery, they are blocking the users ability to look at and accept facts right in front of them. In their inane and ridiculous arguments with people who are not victimized by this, they are re-wiring their brains to be able to block out any logic, any facts, any reason. So they will be totally immune from the disclosure of truth that’s likely coming to Earth. Those who are behind these PsyOps are those with the most to lose: The current Establishment.
Why are they doing this? There’s a series of things the Elite currently in power don’t want us to know about: (This is speculation, based on evidence, it’s not supporting our argument. The point being is the Elite have the motivation to run PsyOps in order to hide the lie, we can debate what is the ‘lie’ and how deep the rabbit hole goes, but here is some intel on what’s afoot)-
- Disclosure on Aliens is coming, it will be impossible to stop. Not only are benevolent ET going to give us a sky show, there are Pyramids and amazing structures in Antarctica under the ice that is rapidly melting. The current social control paradigm is in direct conflict with the benevolent groups, take the simple example of free energy. The US has more than 5,000 patents on free energy (that creates more energy that you put inside) – which it sits on, and threatens (or kills) anyone who tries to develop it. Or in other words, disclosure is not about Aliens it’s about exposing the deep lie. The lie is that we are alone in the Universe, and we are the only intelligent beings on Earth, and have always been alone. Ancient cultures from Egypt to India and Judaism speak of other beings in the Earth and from other planets, visiting Earth and even living here, interacting with people, in ancient times. Hundreds of previous intelligent civilizations on Earth, being kept quiet by the Establishment (via the Smithsonian, and the Ivory Tower).
- Geomagnetic Pole Shift is likely to happen in the next 7 years, possibly as soon as 2 years (They say probably on or before 2030, hence the “2030 Agenda”. We don’t know the cause of this (Can be 12th planet Nibiru as Sitchin and others suggest, or as Hapgood and Einstein surmised, it’s something internal that causes cyclical pole shift, such as being triggered by massive ice melt, causing Volcanoes near the South Pole to blow, causing a rapid shift), but we do know the government knows, and the billionaires know this intel, and they are spending hundreds of billions preparing for the event. We don’t know the dates, but we can see it’s approaching due to the Earth volatility, freak storms, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, tornadoes, train wrecks, strange behavior of animals, solar storms, magnetic anomalies, and the south pole has already started to substantially drift. The US Government learned about this in the 1970s and setup FEMA to manage it. You can bet they have an entire civilization deep underground accessible from convenient access point near Billionaire nests. Isn’t it interesting that the US most hardened military facility is conveniently located a short distance from Aspen, CO? The Elite are sitting on free energy technology, healthcare that would blow your mind, an underground tunnel system that can traverse most of the Earth, and interstellar space travel, just to name a few. When learning about this event they decided to lie, and to hide this cyclical event which happens around every 12,000 years and is referenced in every single religious text in the world without exception. In fact, the Bible is the most vague and obscured account, the more ancient the religion the more detailed stories about the Great Flood and the Benevolent Aliens, such as Zoroastrianism. This deserves an article on it’s own, but the point is not about Pole Shift the point is that the Elite are preparing for it whether it’s out of paranoia or hard intel, the facts are the facts and they are indisputable. They believe it will happen, and so they want to hide it.
- There seems to be some forces which are taking down a worldwide criminal element referred to as the ‘cabal’ – there are a lot of powerful important groups with criminal roots. The drug trade for example, is run by some of the most powerful groups in the world. For example, Pablo Escobar had claimed that Mi6 was running the Cali Cartel. British Intelligence openly manages the drug trade. The British fought the “Opium Wars” over their territorial dispute on selling Chinese peasants heroin basically, what history fails to mention is the obscene profits that were made by the British Aristocracy, and some of that came to New York and became American. The Astor family for example had massive profits in the business and invested most of it in Manhattan real-estate.
Troll Roster
These are some known Trolls we encountered through our research, they will never give up their anonymity.
PsyOps out of control
Has anyone noticed the amount of fake / dubious content that has been popping up online recently? It’s not only political, in fact most of it is not.
Bellingcat has been funded by the U.S. government’s National Endowment for Democracy, a widely-acknowledged C.I.A. front group, that is supposed to act nonpartisan, at least in public. Watching Higgins use deep fake disinformation to attack his political enemies was a bit like learning the homophobic preacher was caught with a choir boy.
Does that look REAL? You bet. There’s really no way to tell reality from deep fakes, except analysis. In this case, the photo is credited by “Deep fake by @MadMikeOfficial“
But what if this image was circulated around on BitChute, Twitter, by Trolls? This has been happening a lot recently.
For example, recently a video was circulated “Under the Denver Airport” which shows a large tunnel system and a cross, and people doing something. It’s actually from a Salt Mine in Romania. But nobody bothered to fact check that, and starts circulating it. Some of these memes can become entire theories. As it turns out, the video is of the Slanic Prahova in Romania. You can read about it here.
The CIA has been controlling culture for years, at least since the 1960s. It was during this time that a RAND study showed there was no way to defeat a real counterinsurgency other than to create one. The idea is controlled opposition, you groom and grow your enemy, so that if the enemy does actually win, you control him too. Through this process you exaggerate the differences between Red / Blue, Coke / Pepsi, that the average person cannot understand that both sides are controlled by the same forces. This is especially powerful in culture such as Music, TV, and Movies. Quentin Tarantino no doubt created a culture of violence and desensitized a generation to blood and violence, and made it “Cool” just like the Mafia movies that glorified Italian Gangsterism, which is really the sign of a low IQ (And you can’t build a society with Criminals…)
Enter the 1990s and the MTV world has organically grown an entire generation of slackers that have no motivation to do anything (such as questioning why the money you have is worth less and less every year, why does food not have any taste anymore, why is the sky not blue anymore?).
Kurt Cobain was no doubt an MK Ultra project, listen to this account how Courtney Love was escorted by undercover CIA agent with thousands of hits of acid, on a trip to London (at 17 years old).
And it should come as no surprise that CIA editors are in every newsroom running the NYT, Post, and Fox too. Take a look at how the US Military is very active in Hollywood (and not ironically, they placed 2 major actors in the White House, Reagan and Trump):
We have recently acquired 4,000 new pages of documents from the Pentagon and CIA through the Freedom of Information Act. For us, these documents were the final nail in the coffin. These documents for the first time demonstrate that the US government has worked behind the scenes on over 800 major movies and more than 1,000 TV titles. The previous best estimate, in a dry academic book way back in 2005, was that the Pentagon had worked on less than 600 films and an unspecified handful of television shows. The CIA’s role was assumed to be just a dozen or so productions, until very good books by Tricia Jenkins and Simon Willmetts were published in 2016. But even then, they missed or underplayed important cases, including Charlie Wilson’s War and Meet the Parents. A similar influence is exerted over military-supported TV, which ranges from Hawaii Five-O to America’s Got Talent, Oprah and Jay Leno to Cupcake Wars, along with numerous documentaries by PBS, the History Channel and the BBC.
National Security Cinema also reveals how dozens of films and TV shows have been supported and influenced by the CIA, including the James Bond adventure Thunderball, the Tom Clancy thriller Patriot Games and more recent films, including Meet the Parents and Salt. The CIA even helped to make an episode of Top Chef that was hosted at Langley, featuring then-CIA director Leon Panetta who was shown as having to skip dessert to attend to vital business. Was this scene real, or was it a dramatic statement for the cameras?
Background on these operations was necessary to prove a point. They have the money, the motivation, and the capability to run PsyOps online. We don’t even need to reference the fact that Google, Facebook, and Twitter were all CIA/NSA projects from the very beginning.
The military is actively seeking companies to bid on contracts to create ‘information warfare’ i.e. Troll Farms, Bots that will argue with you, and there are companies that provide this service. Or in other words, billions of dollars are being spent on this fake news. So follow the money and ask – why? No doubt, AI is going to make fake conspiracy theories and other junk content explode, it’s already changing the world of content farming.
Contracts for Information Warfare
- ^ Rondo Cameron, Larry Neal (2003). A Concise Economic History of the World: From Paleolithic Times to the Present. Oxford University Press. p. 161.
- ^ Jump up to:ab Hanson, Victor Davis (2007-12-18). Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise to Western Power. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. ISBN978-0-307-42518-8.
- ^ Jump up to:abc Giove, S., Rosato, P. & Breil, M. “A multicriteria approach for the evaluation of the sustainability of re-use of historic buildings in Venice.” Sustainability indicators and environmental valuation paper – Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. October 2008. Accessed 30 January 2010.
- ^ Norris, R.M. “Carpaccio’s Hunting on the lagoon and two Venetian ladies: A vignette of fifteenth-century Venetian lifeArchived 2013-12-04 at the Wayback Machine.” College of Fine and Professional Arts of Kent State University Master of Arts Thesis. August 2007. Accessed 30 January 2010.
- ^ Tassava, C.J. “Launching a Thousand Ships: Entrepreneurs, War Workers, and the State in American Shipbuilding, 1940-1945.” Northwestern University Ph.D. Thesis. June 2003. Accessed 30 January 2010.
- ^ Davis, R.C. (2007). Shipbuilders of the Venetian Arsenal: Workers and Workplace in the Pre-Industrial City. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 201, back cover. ISBN978-0-8018-8625-6. Retrieved 30 January 2010.
- ^ Konstam, A.; Bryan, T. (2002). Renaissance War Galley 1470-1590. Oxford, U.K.: Osprey Publishing. p. 22. ISBN978-1-84176-443-6. Retrieved 30 January 2010.
- ^ Atauz, A.D. “Trade, piracy, and naval warfare in the central Mediterranean: The maritime history and archaeology of Malta.” Texas A&M University Ph.D. Thesis. May 2004. Accessed 30 January 2010.
- ^ O’Connell, G.C. “Venice, the lagoon and the Adriatic Sea: a historic struggle for survival[permanent dead link].” Central Connecticut State University Master of Science in International Studies Thesis. August 2005. Accessed 30 January 2010.
- ^ Iordanou, Ioanna (2015). “Pestilence, Poverty, and Provision: Re-evaluating the Role of the Popolani in Early Modern Venice”. The Economic History Review. 69 (3): 801–822. doi:10.1111/ehr.12131. S2CID143028544.
- ^ Wolters, Wolfgang and Huse, Norbert, The Art of Renaissance Venice: Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, 1460-1590, p. 13, 1993, University of Chicago Press
- ^ H.W. Longfellow trans. from Canto xxi of Inferno, quoted in Lane, Venice, a Maritime Republic, 163
- ^ Jump up to:ab Dolinsky, Anton. “Inventory Management History Part Three: Venetian Arsenal – Ahead of Their Time”. Almyta Systems.
- ^ Valleriani, Matteo. Galileo Engineer. Springer: New York, 2010
- ^ Frederic Chapin Lane, Venice: A Maritime Republic (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973): 1-2.
- ^ Kōstas Damianidēs (1997). Nautikḗ parádosē sto Aigaío: tarsanádes kai skariá. Hypourgeio Aigaiou. p. 26. ISBN9789607859037.
ή τεχνίτες εργάζονται όμως και στα βενετσιάνικα ναυπηγεία και τους ναυσταθμους στο Αιγαίο (Χανιά, Ηράκλειο, Μεθώνη, Κορώνη, Χαλκίδα, Πρέβεζα και Κέρκυρα) όπως επίσης και στο ναύσταθμο της ίδιας της Βενετίας
See also
- Venetian Works of Defence – A UNESCO World Heritage Site comprising six of the most outstanding examples of early bastion fort design.
- Suomenlinna – A later example of the bastion fort and a World Heritage Site, built in 1758.
- Crenellation
- List of established military terms
- List of star forts
- Mathematics and architecture
- Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban
- Menno van Coehoorn
- Erik Dahlberg
- ^ Centre, UNESCO World Heritage. “The city of Bergamo – UNESCO World Heritage Centre”. Retrieved 2 November 2017.
- ^ “Star Forts”. Types of Castle and The History of Castles. Castle and Manor Houses Resources. Retrieved 4 January 2017.
- ^ Townshend, Charles (1 January 2000). The Oxford History of Modern War. Oxford University Press. p. 112. ISBN 978-0-19-285373-8. Retrieved 4 January 2017 – via Internet Archive.
acquired ravelins and redoubts, bonnettes and lunettes, .
- ^ Siegfried Giedion, Space, Time and Architecture (1941) 1962 p 43.
- ^ Harris, J., “Sarzana and Sarzanello – Transitional Design and Renaissance Designers” Archived 2011-07-26 at the Wayback Machine, Fort (Fortress Study Group), No. 37, 2009, pp. 50–78
- ^ Nicolle, David (2014). Armies of the Ottoman Turks 1300-1774 [Osmanlı Orduları 1300-1768] (in Turkish). Translated by Kolçak, Özgür. Turkey: Osprey Publishing. p. 48.
- ^ John Francis Guilmartin (2003). Gunpowder & galleys: changing technology & Mediterranean warfare at sea in the 16th century. Conway Maritime Press. pp. 73–74. ISBN 0-85177-951-4.
- ^ David Nicolle; Christopher Rothero (1989). The Venetian Empire 1200–1670. Osprey Publishing. p. 40. ISBN 978-0-85045-899-2.
- ^ Spiteri, Stephen C. “In search of Fort St Elmo 1565”. Military Architecture. Retrieved 9 October 2014.
- ^ Paulos Lampros (1968). Coins and medals of the Ionian Islands. John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 20–21. ISBN 978-90-6032-311-3.
- ^ Tony Jaques (2007). Dictionary of Battles and Sieges: A-E. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 262. ISBN 978-0-313-33537-2.
- ^ Kingra, Mahinder S. ‘The Trace Italienne and the Military Revolution During the Eighty Years’ War, 1567–1648.’ The Journal of Military History 57, No. 3 (July, 1993): 431–446
- ^ Mizokami, Kyle (31 December 2022). “Medieval Star Forts Are Surprisingly Alive and Well in North Africa”. Popular Mechanics. Retrieved 4 August 2022.
- af Hällström, Olof (2004) Sveaborg – The island fortress off Helsinki, ISBN 978-952-91-7378-5
- Duffy, C. (1975) Fire & Stone, The Science of Fortress Warfare 1660–1860, ISBN 978-0-7858-2109-0
- Cataneo, Hieronymus, De arte bellica, sive, De designandis ac construendis arcibus & propugnaculis, necnon & de ijs oppugnandis, expugnandis, ac propugnandis: de itinere exercitus, ac castrametatione: quando expediat manus cum hoste conserere, ac tandem, quid imperatori sit in procinctu cauendum vel eligendum, (1600)
- Bastion fort at World Atlas
- Star castle in Netherlands
- ^ Jump up to:a b Claims made that the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro in Côte d’Ivoire is larger appear to be spurious, as the measurements include a rectorate, a villa and probably the forecourt. Its dome, based on that of St. Peter’s Basilica, is lower but carries a taller cross, and thus claims to be the tallest domed church.[citation needed]
- ^ Benedict XVI‘s theological act of renouncing the title of “Patriarch of the West” had as a consequence that Catholic Roman Rite patriarchal basilicas are today officially known as Papal basilicas.
- ^ Quarrying of stone for the Colosseum had, in turn, been paid for with treasure looted at the Siege of Jerusalem and destruction of the temple by the emperor Vespasian‘s general (and the future emperor) Titus in 70 AD.[32]
- ^ Julius II’s tomb was left incomplete and was eventually erected in the Church of St Peter ad Vincola.
- ^ This claim has recently been made for Yamoussoukro Basilica, the dome of which, modelled on St. Peter’s, is lower but has a taller cross.[citation needed]
- ^ The dome of Florence Cathedral is depicted in a fresco at Santa Maria Novella that pre-dates its building by about 100 years.
- ^ Another view of the façade statues. From left to right: ① Thaddeus, ② Matthew, ③ Philip, ④ Thomas, ⑤ James the Elder, ⑥ John the Baptist (technically a ‘precursor’ and not an apostle); ⑦ Christ (centre, the only one with a halo); ⑧ Andrew, ⑨ John the Apostle, ⑩ James the Younger, ⑪ Bartholomew, ⑫ Simon and ⑬ Matthias. (“Unofficial architecture site”. Retrieved 1 June 2011.)
- ^ The word “stupendous” is used by a number of writers trying to adequately describe the enormity of the interior. These include James Lees-Milne and Banister Fletcher.
- ^ The obelisk was originally erected at Heliopolis by an unknown pharaoh of the Fifth dynasty of Egypt (c. 2494 BC – 2345 BC).
- ^ The statue was damaged in 1972 by Lazlo Toft, a Hungarian-Australian, who considered that the veneration shown to the statue was idolatrous. The damage was repaired and the statue subsequently placed behind glass.
- ^ Jump up to:a b “St. Peter’s Basilica – Dome” (in Italian). Vatican City State. Retrieved 12 July 2020.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Baumgarten 1913
- ^ Jump up to:a b Banister Fletcher, the renowned architectural historian calls it “the greatest creation of the Renaissance” and “… the greatest of all churches of Christendom” in Fletcher 1996, p. 719.[clarification needed]
- ^ James Lees-Milne describes St. Peter’s Basilica as “a church with a unique position in the Christian world” in Lees-Milne 1967, p. 12.
- ^ “St. Peter’s Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro) in Rome, Italy”.
- ^ Giuliani, G., Guide to Saint Peter’s Basilica: Altar of the Confession, published 1995, accessed 17 August 2021
- ^ Papal Mass (accessed 28 February 2012)
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h Fletcher 1975
- ^ Noreen (19 November 2012). “St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican Is Not The Official Church Of The Pope”. Today I Found Out. Retrieved 14 February 2019.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e Pio V. Pinto, pp. 48–59
- ^ “St. Peter’s Square – Statue of St. Paul”. Retrieved 22 December 2010.
- ^ Masson, Georgina (2001). The Companion Guide to Rome. Companion Guides. pp. 615–6.
- ^ Helen F. North, quoted in Secrets of Rome, Robert Kahn, (1999) pp. 79–80
- ^ Ralph Waldo Emerson, 7 April 1833
- ^ Williamson, Benedict (1929). The Treaty of the Lateran. London, England: Burns, Oates, and Washbourne Limited. pp. 42–66.
- ^ “St. Peter’s Basilica – Interior of the Basilica”. Internet Portal of the Vatican City State. p. 2. Archived from the original on 26 February 2009. Retrieved 2 January 2009.
- ^ Centre, UNESCO World Heritage. “Vatican City”. Retrieved 9 August 2016.
- ^ “St. Peter’s – The Nave”. Archived from the original on 16 July 2012. Retrieved 9 August 2016.
- ^ Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. .
- ^ Ellis, Edward Robb (21 December 2004). The Epic of New York City: A Narrative History. Basic Books. p. 413. ISBN 978-0-7867-1436-0.
- ^ Fodor’s Travel Guides (2014). Fodor’s Italy 2015. Travel Distribution. ISBN 978-0-8041-4291-5 – via Google Books.
- ^ Rasch 1985, p. 118
- ^ Based on “Outline of St. Peter’s, Old St. Peter’s, and Circus of Nero“.
- ^ “Jerome, De Viris Illustribus (On Illustrious Men)”. New Advent. Retrieved 27 May 2021.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Lees-Milne 1967
- ^ Frank J. Korn, Hidden Rome Paulist Press (2002)
- ^ Hijmans, Steven. “University of Alberta Express News”. In search of St. Peter’s Tomb. Archived from the original on 25 January 2006. Retrieved 25 December 2006.
- ^ Cunningham, Lawrence (2010). “Cultures and Values”. USA: Clark Baxter: 671.
- ^ Peter Partner (1972). The Lands of St. Peter: The Papal State in the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance, Volume 10. University of California Press. p. 57. ISBN 9780520021815. Retrieved 6 April 2019.
excavation has revealed that the tomb of the apostle was wantonly smashed
- ^ Dietz, Helen (2005). “The Eschatological Dimension of Church Architecture”. Sacred Architecture Journal. 10.
- ^ Boorsch, Suzanne (Winter 1982–1983). “The Building of the Vatican: The Papacy and Architecture”. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. 40 (3): 4–8.
- ^ Claridge, Amanda (1998). Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide (First ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1998. pp. 276–282. ISBN 0-19-288003-9.
- ^ Betts 1993, pp. 6–7
- ^ “Johann Tetzel“, Encyclopædia Britannica, 2007: “Tetzel’s experiences as a preacher of indulgences, especially between 1503 and 1510, led to his appointment as general commissioner by Albrecht, archbishop of Mainz, who, deeply in debt to pay for a large accumulation of benefices, had to contribute a considerable sum toward the rebuilding of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Albrecht obtained permission from Pope Leo X to conduct the sale of a special plenary indulgence (i.e., remission of the temporal punishment of sin), half of the proceeds of which Albrecht was to claim to pay the fees of his benefices. In effect, Tetzel became a salesman whose product was to cause a scandal in Germany that evolved into the greatest crisis (the Reformation) in the history of the Western church.”
- ^ Hillerbrand, Hans J. “Martin Luther: Indulgences and salvation,” Encyclopædia Britannica, 2007.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Hartt 2006
- ^ Bramante’s plan, Gardner, Kleiner & Mamiya 2005, p. 458
- ^ Golzio, Vincenzo (1969). The Complete Work of Raphael. New York: Reynal and Co., William Morrow and Company. pp. 593–94.
- ^ Raphael’s plan, Fletcher 1996, p. 722[clarification needed]
- ^ Peruzzi’s plan, Fletcher 1996, p. 722[clarification needed]
- ^ Jump up to:a b Sangallo’s plan, Fletcher 1996, p. 722[clarification needed]
- ^ Goldscheider 1996
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i Gardner, Kleiner & Mamiya 2005
- ^ Michelangelo’s plan, Gardner, Kleiner & Mamiya 2005, p. 458
- ^ Jump up to:a b c Eneide Mignacca, Michelangelo and the architecture of St. Peter’s Basilica, lecture, Sydney University, (1982)
- ^ De la Croix, Horst; Tansey, Richard G.; Kirkpatrick, Diane (1991). Gardner’s Art Through the Ages (9th ed.). Thomson/Wadsworth. p. 641. ISBN 0-15-503769-2.
- ^ De la Croix, Horst; Tansey, Richard G.; Kirkpatrick, Diane (1991). Gardner’s Art Through the Ages (9th ed.). Thomson/Wadsworth. p. 663. ISBN 0-15-503769-2.
- ^ *Galassi Alghisii Carpens., apud Alphonsum II. Ferrariae Ducem architecti, opus, by Galasso Alghisi, Dominicus Thebaldius (1563). page 44/147 of Google PDF download.
- ^ Jump up to:a b “Michelangelo ‘last sketch’ found”. BBC News. 7 December 2007. Retrieved 8 December 2007.
- ^ BBC, Rare Michelangelo sketch for sale, Friday, 14 October 2005, [1] accessed: 9 February 2008
- ^ Pile 2005, p. 131
- ^ Lees-Milne 1967, “Maderno’s Nave“
- ^ Decker, Heinrich (1969) [1967]. The Renaissance in Italy: Architecture • Sculpture • Frescoes. New York: The Viking Press. p. 279.
- ^ Kilby, Peter. “St Peter’s Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro)”. Retrieved 27 July 2011.
- ^ “St. Peter’s, the Obelisk”. Retrieved 22 December 2010.
- ^ “The Seminarian GuidesNorth American College, Rome”. Retrieved 29 July 2009.
- ^ Source: the respective biographical entries on Essay of a General List of Cardinals by Salvador Miranda with corrections provided by Werner Maleczek, Papst und Kardinalskolleg von 1191 bis 1216, Wien 1984 for the period before 1190 until 1254
- ^ Jump up to:a b Acta Apostolicae Sedis (PDF). Vol. LXXXIII. 1991. p. 631.
- ^ Jump up to:a b “Rinunce e Nomine, 24.04.2002” (Press release) (in Italian). Holy See Press Office. 24 April 2002. Retrieved 30 June 2020.
- ^ Jump up to:a b “Rinunce e Nomine, 31 October 2006” (Press release) (in Italian). Holy See Press Office. 31 October 2006. Retrieved 30 June 2020.
- ^ Jump up to:a b “Resignations and Appointments, 20.02.2021” (Press release). Holy See Press Office. 20 February 2021. Retrieved 20 February 2021.
- ^ “Rinunce e Nomine, 05.02.2005” (Press release) (in Italian). Holy See Press Office. 5 February 2005. Retrieved 30 June 2020.
- ^ “Since Nicholas V twenty-seven popes over a span of 178 years had imagined this day. They had already spent 46 800 052 ducats (…) And still the building was not done. The basic construction was complete, but the last genius (Bernini) to put his signature on the Basilica was just beginning his work.” in Scotti 2007, p. 241.
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- Betts, Richard J. (1993). “Structural Innovation and Structural Design in Renaissance Architecture”. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. 52 (1): 5–25. doi:10.2307/990755. JSTOR 990755.
- Boorsch, Suzanne (1982). “The Building of the Vatican: The Papacy and Architecture”. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. New York. XL (3): 4–64. doi:10.2307/3258914. JSTOR 3258914. OCLC 39642638.
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- Gardner, Helen; Kleiner, Fred S.; Mamiya, Christin J. (2005). Gardner’s Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective. Vol. 2 (12th ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth. pp. 499–500, 571–575. ISBN 978-0-495-00479-0.
- Goldscheider, Ludwig (1996). Michelangelo (6th ed.). Oxford: Phaidon. ISBN 978-0-7148-3296-8.
- Hartt, Frederick (2006). History of Italian Renaissance Art (6th ed.). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-188247-8.
- Hintzen-Bohlen, Brigitte; Sorges, Jürgen (2001). Rome and the Vatican City. Köln: Könemann. ISBN 978-3-8290-3109-7.
- Korn, Frank J. (2002). Hidden Rome. New York: Paulist Press. ISBN 978-0-8091-4109-8.
- Lanciani, Rodolfo (1892). “Chapter III: Christian Churches”. Pagan and Christian Rome. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company.
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- McClendon, Charles (1989). “The History of the Site of St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome”. Perspecta: The Yale Architectural Journal. 25: 32–65. doi:10.2307/1567138. ISSN 0079-0958. JSTOR 1567138.
- Pevsner, Nikolaus (1963). An Outline of European Architecture (7th ed.). Baltimore: Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-14-020109-3. OCLC 2208913.
- Pile, John F. (2005). A History of Interior Design (second ed.). London: Laurence King Publishing. ISBN 978-1-856-69418-6.
- Pinto, Pio (1975). The Pilgrim’s Guide to Rome. San Francisco: Harper & Row. ISBN 978-0-06-013388-7.
- Scotti, R. A. (2007). Basilica: the Splendor and the Scandal – Building of St. Peter’s. New York: Plume. ISBN 978-0-452-28860-7.
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External links
- Archived 22 February 2019 at the Wayback Machine – official website with images and information about the Basilica
- “Virtual Reality Tour of the Basilica of Saint Peter”
- St Peter’s ‒ unofficial website on the basilica, with images and text from different books.
- 360 Degree Photographs Inside Saint Peter’s Basilica
- Google Maps: Vatican ‒ Satellite image of the Basilica