
Eyewitnesses Provide Evidence of US Support for ISIS


Eyewitnesses Provide Evidence of US Support for ISIS

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Trump lied claiming his administration’s highest priority is “defeat(ing) and destroy(ing)” ISIS and other terrorist groups. 

Washington created and supports them. Trump continues the imperial agenda he inherited from his predecessors – a warrior president deploring peace and stability.

Earlier photographic evidence showed ISIS using US-made TOW-guided anti-tank missiles against government forces.

Their tanks, artillery, mortars and other heavy weapons come from foreign suppliers – notably from America, other NATO countries and Israel.

Without their material support, ISIS and other terrorist groups couldn’t exist.

Earlier Russian Defense Ministry satellite images showed US support for these groups, including their use of US-produced Humvee armored vehicles used by Pentagon special forces.

Sergey Lavrov earlier condemned Washington’s refusal to combat al-Nusra terrorists, calling US policy “absolutely unacceptable.”

New accusations of US support for ISIS come from eyewitnesses, reported by Syrian media – residents of Deir Ezzor saying US helicopters evacuated jihadist fighters.

Sources reported them taken to al-Hasakah province in northeastern Syria, the area controlled by US forces. 

Damascus informed UN authorities about what’s going on to no avail, no actions taken by the world body to denounce US support for ISIS and other terrorist groups.

Earlier Syrian reports said US helicopters evacuated wounded ISIS fighter to receive medical treatment from Doctors Without Borders.

Russia’s Defense Ministry accused the US-led “coalition” of training jihadist fighters in al-Hasakah, reorganizing the so-called New Syrian Army, comprised of cutthroat killers.

Earlier reports indicated US helicopters evacuated ISIS field commanders from Raqqa, Deir Ezzor, and Mayadin.

Russia’s reconciliation center in Syria also accused the US-led “coalition” of relocating jihadist fighters to continue combatting government forces.

Washington’s goal in Syria remains unchanged – regime change, replacing Assad with pro-Western puppet rule, controlling the country, looting its resources, subjugating its people, and isolating Iran ahead of a similar strategy to undermine its government.

Geopolitical conditions are dismal, Trump continuing the belligerent agenda of the Clintons, Bush/Cheney and Obama – escalating conflicts, not ending them, risking war in new theaters.

Prospects for the new year look grim, no end of Washington’s rage for imperial wars of aggression. Its aim for unchallenged dominance threatens everyone.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."