Election 2020

The Great Election Steal of 2020




Watch – The Communist Control Of Network News Has
Never Been More Clear – The End Of CBS, FOX, NBC, ABC


Listen, Wow – Georgia ELECTION Officials Say
They Are Sending SAME Election Day Numbers
To The State, NOT The Recount Numbers!!!
‘We Do What We Are TOLD’ – Criminal Fraud

Atty Lin Wood – ‘This Election Was A Fraud’
Trump ‘Won Over 400 Electoral Votes’

Second Memory Card With 2,755 Votes Found
During Georgia Election Audit, Cutting Biden Lead

Biggest Election Fraud Ever – Georgia Poll
Worker Says She Found ‘Pristine’ Batch Of
Ballots That Went ‘98%’ For Joe Biden

Detroit Dominion IT Worker Describes Exactly
How Poll Workers Inflated Biden Vote Tally – Watch

LAWSUIT – NV Electoral College Members File ‘Election
Contest’ Claiming Widespread Election Fraud

15,000 NV Voters Also Illegally ‘Voted’ Outside
The State, Electoral College Candidates Claim

McEnany Calls New State-Level Curbs
Ahead Of Thanksgiving ‘Orwellian’

Watch – The Kamal’s Husband, Emhoff,
Let’s The Plan Out Of The Bag

Photos Of Mega Fraud Newsom Dining, Shoulder To
Shoulder, Maskless, At Posh Restaurant

Latest Recount Updates In WI, GA As Trump
Campaign Sends $3 Million For Recounts In WI


PA Governor Announces New COVID Rules
Including Wearing A Mask IN YOUR OWN HOME

Trump Fires DHS Official Whose Agency Rebuffed
Election Integrity Claims

12 Quotes From Attorney Sidney Powell That Show
Why Trump’s Lawyers Are Absolutely Convinced
He Will Win The Election

All-Powerful CDC Calls For Concentration Camps In America
Including The Invasion Of Homes And Neighborhoods

Ted Cruz Unloads On Dem Senator Over
Mask Theatrics – He Is ‘Being A Complete Ass’

Philadelphia BANS All Gatherings In Public Or Private
Just Before Thanksgiving – This Cannot Be Allowed

Pennsylvania Mandating People Wear Masks
Inside Their HOMES – This Is World Communism
Being Forced Down Our Throats

WELCOME TO THE ‘NEW NORMAL’ – 1,000s Of Desperate
Texans Line Up For New World Order Breadlines

Tucker Quotes Archbishop Viganò And Says
He Should Be Taken Very Seriously

Facebook Officials Joining Biden To Help
Transition Him To The Presidency

WATCH Ted Cruz Eviscerates Jack ‘Nose Ring’ Dorsey
Over Whether Twitter Is A ‘Publisher’


Whistle Says Facebook, Twitter, Google Team Up To
Censor Content – Zuckerberg Denies It All – Watch

Sen Josh Hawley Reveals How Facebook Is
Coordinating Censorship With. The Other
Big Tech Companies

Senators Lee, Cruz, Hawley, Blackburn BASH
Big Tech Censorship At Hearing

Deadlocked Board In Largest Michigan County
Refuses To Certify Nov 3 Vote

Trump Victory – PA Court Rules State Election Officials
Had NO Authority To Change Balloting Rules

Powerhouse Attorney Lin Wood Files Suit To Declare
Entire Georgia Election In 2020 Null And Void

Another Georgia County That Favors Trump Has
Uncovered 2,700 Missing Votes

Another Memory Card Found With 2700 Votes
Not Counted In Georgia – Recount Called A Sham

2 Charged With Vote Fraud, Allegedly Submitted 8,000
Fraudulent Registration Applications

GA Recount Auditor Claims Multiple Trump
Ballots Fraudulently Called For Biden




Trump Bombshell – 2.7 Million Votes DELETED
500,000 SWITCHED To Biden

Hand Recounts Begin, Hundreds Of Thousands Of
Phony Ballots To Be Discarded – Sydney Powell
Says It Is ‘Statistically Impossible’ For Biden

Zuckerberg Trying Hard To Meddle In The US
Presidential Election – A Total Bolshevik Who Says
It’s ‘Clear’ Biden Won The Still Contested Vote

Chairman Of The Federal Election Commission Says
‘I Do Believe There Is Voter Fraud Taking Place’….
‘Making This An Illegitimate Election’

Trump Is Cleaning House At The Dept Of Defense
Installing Patriots Who Will Defend America

Tucker – ‘Yes, Dead People Voted’

Life After QAnon – Trump’s Loss Allows
Some To Escape Conspiracy Cult’s Grip

Hillary Being Pushed As UN Ambassador
Under The Creeper’s Administration Plan

Black Lives Matter Leader Demands Biden
Follow BLM Agenda

Student Loan Debt Continues Soaring Upward
3Q Balances Rose By Another $23 Billion And
Total Balances Have Risen $54 Billion In One Year


Kyle Rittenhouse’s Mom Announces Lawsuit
Against Creeper Biden On Tucker Carlson Tonight
She Says, ‘I Will Take Him (Biden) DOWN’

Ballots Received Even BEFORE They Went Out
…More Examples Of Vote Fraud

Data Scientists Expose Algorithm Used To Steal
Trump Votes In Michigan’s GOP Precincts

Detroit Official Testifies She & Others Were Told
To Backdate Thousands Of Ballots In Michigan

Tapes Show USPS Whistleblower Did NOT Recant

Corrupt Federal Agent Who Bullied PA USPS
Fraud Whistleblower Revealed As A STASI
Style Anti-Trump Partisan

True Evil – Luciana Borio, Named To Perv Biden’s Covid
Task Force, Wants To STOP Food & Rent Assistance To
ALL Who Refuse To Take The Unproven, Unknown Vaccine

Child Molesting Super Predator Biden
Lied On The Grave Of His Own Dead Son

Questions About His Crack Head Son And
Hard Drive From Hell Must Follow Biden To WH

The Economy As We Knew It Might Be Over
Says Fed Chairman Powell


Biden ‘Science’ Advisor Calls For 4-6 Week
Nationwide LOCKDOWN To Avoid ‘COVID Hell’
This Will Destroy What’s Left Of The Economy

Old Tweet By Biden’s Chief Of Staff Pick Says
US Elections Are ‘Rigged’

Brain-Dying Biden Actually Thanks Long Dead
CIVIL WAR Veterans For Voting For Him

Bernie Blasts ‘Corporate Democrats’ For Rejecting
Far-Left Policies

Bernie Confirms He Would Accept Biden
Labor Secretary Post

Biden Material Treated As 1st Class US Mail And
Trump Material As Undeliverable By USPS

Giuliani – 650,000 Unlawful Votes Already Found In PA

PA Judge Rules Sec Of State Had No Authority To
Change Voter ID Deadline 2 Days Before Election

Insanity – Official Responsible For AZ Vote Count
Claimed Trump Was On Side Of ‘Nazis’

Deep Data Dive On Dominion Voting Systems Offers
Incontrovertible Proof Of Election Hack


Open Records Request Finds NO INVOICES OR
WORK ORDERS On Alleged Election Day Water Main
Break In Atlanta – Here’s What Was Found…

14,099 Maricopa County AZ Voters Did Not
Prove US Citizenship – Vates Are No Good
And This Is Just ONE County!

Dominion Voting Systems Increasingly Looks Like
It Was Behind Much Of The Massive 2020 Vote Fraud
As Rudy Says Whistleblowers Coming Forward

Biden ‘Administration’ Is Passing On Progressives Like
Bernie And Pocahontas For Neocons And Corp Shills

The Economy As We Knew It Might Be Over
Says Fed Chairman Powell

CNN Broadcast Vote Fraud Live – Watch Votes
Taken From Trump And Given To Biden

Immigration Officials – The System ‘Can Easily Be
Overwhelmed’ With Invaders ‘Very Problematic’ To
Say You’ll Be Legalized As Long As You Reach US

Wooldridge – Multi-Culturalizing America
…A Land Of Strangers

Baldwin – Almost No One Else Will Say It, So I Must

Get Ready For Chaos Regardless Of
Who Ends Up In The White House









Senators demand to know why election vendors still sell voting machines with ‘known vulnerabilities’