
Dubious Pro-Unity Rally in Barcelona


Dubious Pro-Unity Rally in Barcelona

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Reportedly busloads of people were sent to Barcelona for a so-called pro-unity rally on Sunday, attended by large crowds.

Catalans overwhelmingly want independence. Polls and last Sunday’s referendum vote proved it.

Have they changed their mind during the week? Do they now reject independence? Or is something rotten in Denmark?

Western media claim thousands massed in Barcelona against independence, for unity with Madrid instead, waving red-and-yellow national flags, a hated symbol of regime repression.

Right-wing Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa and former European Parliament president Josep Borrell were flown in for Sunday’s rally. 

Madrid and its allies are pulling out all the stop to quash Catalan independence, using whatever underhanded tactics it takes to prevent it, including deception, trying to create the impression that Catalan secession supporters suddenly changed their minds.

Make sense? Make your own judgment. Sunday’s Barcelona rally had a distinct staged event aroma, not reflecting pro-independence sentiment, orchestrated by Madrid with EU and US backing, maybe CIA and Brussels intelligence operatives involved, attempting to dissuade Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and MPs from declaring independence when they meet on Tuesday.

The Madrid-co-opted Barcelona Bar Association published an open letter saying: “The Independent Commission for Mediation, Dialogue and Conciliation has told the president that it is essential to hold back on political decisions that will increase the tension between the state and Catalan governments.”

On Saturday, orchestrated unity rallies were held in Madrid along with other cities and towns, everyone dressed in white under the slogan “Let’s talk.” 

Did thousands of Spaniards decide to dress the same way on the same day instead of their usual attire, rallying in support of the widely detested Madrid regime?

Catalans left no doubt where they stand, their support for independence solidified by last Sunday’s police state violence.

The so-called pro-unity rally in Barcelona was a staged affair, lacking credibility, not reflecting overwhelming Catalan support for independence from fascist Spain.

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