
Disgracefully Demonizing Hamas


Disgracefully Demonizing Hamas

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Like virtually all other media scoundrels, the neocon CIA house organ Washington Post one-sidedly supports Israel, ignoring its high crimes.

Palestinian rights don’t matter. Seventy years of suffering under Israel’s repressive boot, over half a century of occupation harshness, is largely ignored.

Hamas members gaining majority Palestinian Legislative Council control in January 2006 democratic elections is never mentioned by Western regimes and media scoundrels.

Its name means courage and bravery. It’s an Arabic abbreviation for Islamic Resistance Movement.

Formed in 1987 during the first intifada, Israel initially supported the group to counter Yasser Arafat’s PLO.

Throughout its existence, it resisted occupation harshness. Its Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades military wing is solely for defense.

Hamas is a legitimate political organization, not a terrorist group as falsely designated by Washington in deference to Israel.

Demonizing the organization is part of the US/Israeli divide and control strategy. Disunity among Palestinians serves their interests, preventing greater strength through unity.

WaPo lied saying “Gaza’s future is up to Hamas,” falsely blaming its leaders for Israeli high crimes on the Strip and its people.

Claiming Hamas “fought three previous wars with Israel” ignored preemptive Jewish state aggression on Gaza three times in the past decade, a possible fourth war looming now.

An “economic stranglehold on the territory maintained by Israel” is flagrantly illegal, WaPo failed to explain - or say it’s entirely for political reasons unrelated to Israeli security.

When it comes to the imperial state, Wall Street, other corporate interests and Israel, WaPo supports the official narrative, truth-telling banished from its reports and commentaries.

Saying Hamas is “unwilling to make the concessions necessary for a political agreement with Israel or with its fellow Palestinians” is a bald-faced lie.

The opposite is true. Israel holds Hamas and two million Gazans hostage to its viciousness. The PA collaborates with the Israeli regime against its own people, its leadership benefitting from betrayal.

Hamas isn’t “trying to force Israel’s hand with new forms of asymmetrical warfare,” as WaPo falsely claimed.

It supported but didn’t “organize masses of civilians to march on the border fence.” WaPo understated, downplayed, and failed to demand Israel be held accountable for murdering over 140 peacefully demonstrating Gazans, injuring over 16,000 others.

Gazans on their own launched flaming kites cross-border in response to Israeli ruthlessness, not Hamas, as WaPo falsely claimed - failing to denouncing multiple IDF terror-bombing attacks on the Strip, supporting them through indifference to Palestinian rights and safety.

The CIA house organ lied saying Netanyahu will do his best to avoid” another war. He’s waging naked aggression on the Strip without declaring it, the world community doing nothing to hold his regime accountable for the highest of high crimes.

WaPo and other media scoundrels consistently hold US and Israeli victims responsible for crimes of war and against humanity committed against them.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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