A Second Dirty Trump/Russia Dossier
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Former UK MI6 spy Christopher Steele fabricated the earlier one, making spurious claims without evidence, alleging misconduct and collusion between Trump, his campaign and Russia during the presidential campaign – including fabricated accusations of Russian US election interference.
None whatever occurred. No evidence suggests it, just baseless accusations, nothing substantiating them.
Long knives are out for Trump, wanting him ousted from office for the wrong reasons. On Tuesday, London’s Guardian reported about another dirty dossier.
This one was prepared by Cody Shearer, a “longtime Clinton family operative…free-lance political fixer, the strangest character in Hillary’s vast left-wing conspiracy,” according to WikiLeaks, adding:
He allegedly worked with “Clinton enforcer Terry Lenzner to investigate and, at times, intimidate women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment.”
In 1998, he “was the subject of a State Department inspector general probe…after he allegedly conducted rogue negotiations that ‘caused temporary diplomatic damage in Bosnia,’ according to documents obtained by Citizens United through the Freedom of Information Act.”
Shearer is a dubious character lacking credibility, the Guardian failed to explain properly, instead saying the investigation into the alleged Trump/Russia connection got a second chance to try making allegations stick – the broadsheet admitting Shearer is a “controversial political” figure.
He’s unconnected to intelligence activities. His specialty is character assassination, the Guardian failed to explain.
The paper said the FBI “is still assessing details in the Shearer memo and is pursuing intriguing leads” – part of the ongoing disgraceful Russiagate witch-hunt.
“One source with knowledge of the inquiry (into the Shearer dossier) said the fact the FBI was still working on it suggested investigators had taken an aspect of it seriously” – looking for ways to unjustifiably justify removing Trump from office.
After his State of the Union address, Trump said he intends releasing the damning four-page memo, allegedly containing evidence of Russiagate FISA abuses.
We’ll know more if and when he follows through, maybe by Friday. According to the Guardian, the Shearer memo “was provided to the FBI in October 2016…handed to them by Steele,” given to him by “an American contact.”
Steele “warned the FBI he could not vouch for the veracity of the Shearer memo, but that he was providing a copy because it corresponded with what he had separately heard from his own independent sources,” the Guardian explained.
Both dossiers made spurious claims without evidence. Both allege Trump was involved in “lewd acts” while in Moscow earlier. Both made allegations without corroborating evidence.
“The Guardian cannot verify any of the claims,” it said. So why did it publish material it knows could be fabricated? Why did it engage in yellow journalism?
Why did it disgrace itself more than already, publishing a story without fact-checking? Is the publication part of the Russiagate witch-hunt?
“Shearer is a controversial figure in Washington,” it acknowledged, adding: “Conservative outlets have accused him of being part of a ‘hatchet man’ and member of a ‘secret spy ring’ – within Clinton’s orbit.”
Months of investigation since early last year uncovered no improper or illegal Trump connection to Russia.
Nothing suggests there is or was one. Yet the witch-hunt investigation continues.
The Guardian’s report disgracefully aided and abetted it – instead of responsibly denouncing it.
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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."