US Deploys Thousands of ISIS Fighters to Afghanistan
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
ISIS and other terrorists serve as US imperial forces in theaters where they’re deployed.
The Trump administration is now using ISIS in Afghanistan, a way to continue endless war. Earlier, the terrorist group announced the creation of a new “province” in the country, including territories of other Central Asian states.
With US training, funding, arming and direction, they’re being used to create greater regional conflict and turmoil than already.
Moscow is focused on preventing ISIS and other terrorist groups from invading its territory, a key reason why it intervened in Syria at Assad’s request – committed to defeating the scourge abroad rather than face it domestically.
Terrorist fighters are perilously close to its borders. Washington aims to import conflict and turmoil to its territory.
According to Russia’s Foreign Ministry Middle East department head Zamir Kabulov, thousands of ISIS fighters moved from Syria and Iraq to Afghanistan, saying:
“Russia was among the first nations to ring alarm about the expansion of IS into Afghanistan.”
“Lately, IS has boosted its presence in the country. Our estimate is that their force there is stronger than 10,000 troops and is continuing to grow. That includes new fighters with combat experience received in Syria and Iraq.”
They didn’t leave the Middle East for Central Asia on their own, Kabulov failed to explain. Washington redeployed them.
Relocating required circumventing Iran, traveling over 1,600 miles from Syria, around 1,400 miles from Iraq – Iranian territory bordering Afghanistan in its east, Iraq in the west.
They had to travel by air, unable to enter Iran by ground transportation. They’d be attacked and destroyed.
America has significant airlift capacity, able to transport large numbers of troops to any locations worldwide.
Kabulov said ISIS wants to expand its influence in Afghanistan and elsewhere in Central Asia.
He’s partly right, omitting what’s most important. As proxy US forces, ISIS goes where Washington wants its fighters sent.
Without support from America and other countries, the terrorist group couldn’t exist. Nor could al-Qaeda, its al-Nusra offshoot in Syria and likeminded groups.
They need backers supplying them with weapons and other material support. Their heavy weapons don’t materialize out of thin air.
They come from weapons and munitions suppliers in America, Europe, Israel and elsewhere in the Middle East. They’re fully dependent on these sources.
Trump’s administration is infested with neocons, hawkish generals, and monied interests, waging endless wars of aggression, rejecting peace and stability, threatening planet earth and its life forms.
Pure evil defines their agenda, Undemocratic Dems as ruthless as Republicans.
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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."