Deplorable US Envoy to Israel
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Zionist zealot, unlimited settlement construction and annexation of Palestinian land supporter David Friedman is a longtime close Trump ally.
In an interview with the Hebrew language publication Walla, he disgracefully lied, claiming Israel only occupies 2% of West Bank land.
Israel occupies over two-thirds of the West Bank, controlling the Occupied Territories entirely. Areas off-limits to Palestinians include:
• settlements and regional councils;
• state land;
• closed military zones;
• nature reserves;
• national parks;
• area for Israel’s Separation Wall;
• free-firing zones;
• commercial locations;
• no-go areas;
• Jews-only roads;
• checkpoints;
• other barriers, along with exclusively Jewish areas.
Occupied Palestine reflects militarized colonization and discriminatory apartheid – worse than South Africa’s. Separate and unequal is official Israeli policy. Viciousness defines it.
Civil law governs settlers. Military orders deprive Palestinians of all fundamental rights. They have no control over their daily lives.
Their land is systematically stolen, over 650,000 settlers living illegally on what belongs to them. Many are Islamophobic extremists, regularly committing violence and vandalism against defenseless Palestinians.
Two states once were possible. No longer. Israel controls too much of the West Bank, claiming Jerusalem as its exclusive capital.
Friedman said another (no-peace) peace plan will be presented later in the year or early next year – dead-on-arrival he failed to explain like all previous ones.
Israel deplores peace, pretends otherwise to continue stealing Palestinian land to make achieving it unattainable.
Friedman deplorably called settlements part of Israel, a two-state solution no longer viable. Responding to his interview, Abbas adviser Nabil Shaath explained “Israel occupies 100% of the West Bank,” adding:
If he was a US citizen, he’d be “extremely concerned that my ambassador in Israel is using his position to try to emphasize the importance of settlements to Israel.”
Friedman’s comments, representing Trump’s and other administration Zionist zealots, are “bad news for the future of any American attempt to make peace in the Middle East.”
He also strongly supports moving America’s embassy to Jerusalem, an international city, an unacceptable action if ordered. No other country recognizing Israel has its embassy there.
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