
The Deplorable Committee to Investigate Russia


The Deplorable Committee to Investigate Russia

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

In the 1970s All in the Family television sitcom, Rob Reiner was Archie Bunker’s “meathead.”

In real life, he’s the same thing, still a meathead, teaming up with neocon David Frum and others to launch the Committee to Investigate Russia, its web site a vehicle for anti-Russia propaganda, part of relentless bashing, truth-telling suppressed to vilify the country and its officials.  

Reiner sounded buffoon-like, accusing Russia of “invad(ing) our democracy.” None exists to invade. 

Moscow didn’t hack last year’s presidential election. Anyone with minimum common sense and intelligence should know it, Russophobes like Reiner, Frum and others behind their scheme excluded.

They claim to be a be a “nonprofit, non-partisan resource.” Sounds oxymoronic, given their Russophobic extremism, clear from their advisor board members, including former DNI James Clapper, neocon Max Boot, right-wing American Enterprise Institute fellow Norman Ornstein, and likeminded extremist commentator Charlie Sykes.

Reiner is militantly anti-Russia, anti-Trump, using pejoratives to bash him, calling him mentally unstable, a racist and pathological liar.

Sounds like what characterizes most US presidents – pathologically addicted to war, consistently lying to the public, enforcing neoliberal harshness since the 90s, and serving privileged interests exclusively.

The Reiner/Frum campaign aims to promote pure rubbish about Russia. Shamefully, 80-year-old actor Morgan Freeman joined their vilifying campaign, maybe a sign of senility, making a deplorable video, falsely accusing Russia of “continuing attacks on our democracy,” a disgraceful perversion of truth.

Hate-mongering group members falsely claim their campaign is “about a foreign invasion,” adding (i)t’s important that every American, regardless of party, stay informed about and understand this critical threat.”

No invasion exists, none planned, no Russian threat. A deplorable press release lied, claiming Moscow aims “to undermine our country,” adding:

“This isn’t about politics. This is about ensuring the Russians cannot wage war on us without Americans knowing about it and making sure our elected.”

Accusations without proof are baseless and scurrilous. Anti-Russia dark forces likely put this bunch up to their dirty tricks.

How much are they getting paid to spread malicious falsehoods? What other benefits are they getting?

Supporting imperial America pays well, models of honesty, honor and truth-telling shunned. Once a meathead, always one.

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