Catalan Declaration of Independence Imminent?
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Sunday on Catalonia’s TV3, the region’s leader President Carles Puigdemont announced the following:
“The declaration of independence, that we don’t call a ‘unilateral’ declaration of independence, is foreseen in the referendum law as an application of the results. We will apply what the law says.”
Catalans demand no less. Their 92% pro-independence vote on October 1 speaks for itself – less than 8% against secession.
Sunday’s pro-unity rally in Barcelona was staged, orchestrated by Madrid, maybe with EU and US help, trying to create the impression that Catalan secession supporters suddenly changed their minds. Not likely!
Catalan referendum law permits a declaration of independence within 48 hours of a “yes” vote. It’s now eight days later, long past when Puigdemont and parliamentarians should have acted.
Perhaps an announcement is coming on Tuesday or sooner. Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy vowed he won’t tolerate independence – intending all measures necessary to stop it, including fast-tracking legislation to let Catalan-headquartered companies move elsewhere in the country.
More belligerence is also likely in the wake of an independence declaration – by national police, civil guards, military forces, and far-right gangs enlisted to stoke violence, already on Catalan streets.
Madrid fascists openly called for arresting and imprisoning Puigdemont and other Catalan pro-independence officials.
Battle lines are drawn if secession is announced. Western media are in cahoots with Rajoy. Spanish media suppressed pro-independence content.
Rajoy rejects mediation, demands Catalan subservience to Madrid, wanting fascist rule triumphing over democracy.
Self-independence is a universal right, affirmed in the UN Charter and other international law.
Catalan independence is legal and justified. If overwhelming popular sentiment is to have any meaning, secession from fascist Spain will be announced when Puigdemont and parliament meet on Tuesday or sooner.
It’s likely but not certain. Anything ahead is possible, including a repeat of blood in the streets.
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