
Chuck Schumer’s Phony Concern for Fundamental Rights


Chuck Schumer’s Phony Concern for Fundamental Rights

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Contemptible hardly describes one of the Senate’s most despicable members - a Wall Street favorite, unindicted war criminal, neoliberal extremist and much more.

Like most other congressional members, Senate undemocratic Dem Minority Leader Schumer disgraces the office he holds - serving privileged interests exclusively, dismissive of popular rights, needs and welfare.

It’s why he became Senate leader for his right-wing party. Its agenda belies its pretensions otherwise. 

Ideologically hard right, Schumer and most other Dems are anti-progressive, anti-labor, anti-welfare for the nation’s most needy, pro-Wall Street, pro-business, pro-war, pro-US imperial dominance, one-sidedly pro-Israel.

He’s US senator from AIPAC. Addressing the organization in March, he blamed Palestinians for Israeli high crimes committed against them, a despicable perversion of truth, adding:

“(T)he Torah says (historic Palestine is) our land…but they don’t believe in the Torah. So that’s the reason there is not peace” - shocking stuff, racist and disgusting.

Like most others in Washington, he’s hostile to Russia, Iran, other sovereign independent states, and world peace. He’s just another self-serving dirty politician.

In a NYT op-ed, he pretended to show concern for fundamental rights he doesn’t give a damn about, including “the right of workers to organize, the pernicious influence of dark money in politics, the right of Americans to marry who they love, the right to vote.”

The senator from New York is Wall Street’s man, representing the interests of banking giants and other corporate predators, benefitting hugely from money-controlled US elections, voters having no say over how the nation is run.

Democracy in America is pure fantasy, not the real thing. Schumer and other undemocratic Dems support neoliberal harshness, not a whiff of progressivism in their agenda.

Schumer’s support for imperial wars, corporate predation, and police state injustice belies his phony concerns about affordable healthcare, abortion rights, and other popular issues.

He and other undemocratic Dems are uncaring about equal justice under law. Legislation they enact when in power proves it - showing they’re hostile to world peace and social justice while pretending otherwise.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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