Exclusive: Chemical cocktail found in face masks

From Ecotextile Top German scientists have found that wearing certain types of face masks for long periods of time could result in potentially hazardous chemicals and harmful microplastics being inhaled deep into human lungs. Professor Michael Braungart, director at the Hamburg Environmental Institute and co-founder of the world-renowned Cradle to Cradle environmental standard has told Ecotextile […]

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Mask Madness – The Death of Science

From DS If you wanted to grow up to be a mass murderer, destroyer of health and happiness, if you wanted to inflict maximum harm on the entire human race, what profession would you choose? Besides being a CEO of a big pharmaceutical company like Pfizer or a maniac like Gates, the perfect job description […]

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COVID Fraud – Lawyers & Medical Experts start legal proceedings against W.H.O and World Leaders for ‘Crimes against Humanity’

From DE A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a […]

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The Mystery Of Dark Energy

From ZH “Dark energy is not only terribly important for astronomy, it’s the central problem for physics. It’s been the bone in our throat for a long time.” – Steven Weinberg, Nobel Laureate, University of Texas at Austin. More than three years into its quest to solve the nature of dark energy and illuminate the origin, evolution, and […]

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Aldous Huxley Foresaw Our Despots – Fauci, Gates, & The Vaccine Crusaders

From ZH n 1949, sometime after the publication of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World (1931), who was then living in California, wrote to Orwell.  Huxley had briefly taught French to Orwell as a student in high school at Eton. Huxley generally praises Orwell’s novel, which to many seemed very similar to Brave […]

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Number Of Seniors Tapping Social Security Plummets As “Excess Deaths” Spike During Pandemic

From ZH The rate of seniors collecting Social Security benefits has plunged to the lowest level in a decade, which Bloomberg suggests may be due to the disproportionate number of COVID-19 deaths among the elderly. According to the Social Security Administration, the number of people who took retirement benefits rose by just 900,000 to 46.4 million in March, the smallest year-over-year […]

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Technology Paradigm shift

(Global Intel Hub – 8/11/2020 – Charlotte, NC ) — The western world is undergoing a massive paradigm shift. This is happening quickly, at a rapid pace never seen before.  Things are changing so fast the only historical precedents are during times of war.  When introducing a new regime of any kind, the question is […]

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Illegal Collective Punishment Against Venezuelan DC Embassy Protectors

Illegal Collective Punishment Against Venezuelan DC Embassy Protectors  by Stephen Lendman  Dozens of embassy protectors have been living in Venezuela’s DC embassy since mid-April, holding out against an unlawful Trump regime order to leave. The facility is sovereign Venezuelan territory. Activists protecting it from an unlawful US takeover were thanked by Bolivarian officials in Caracas, […]

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Do EU Nations Side with the US Over Iran on the JCPOA?

Do EU Nations Side with the US Over Iran on the JCPOA? by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman) As long as the US was onboard, Iran nuclear deal signatories Britain, France, and Germany supported its implementation and provisions — no longer after Trump’s withdrawal. Their rhetoric says one thing, their actions another. […]

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The Fake April 30 Coup Plot Against Venezuela: What’s Next?

The Fake April 30 Coup Plot in Venezuela: What’s Next? by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman) Guaido’s so-called Operation Freedom, orchestrated by his Trump regime handlers, was a coup plot that wasn’t, explained by Brazil-based journalist Michael Fox and others on the ground, witnessing events as they unfolded. The scheme was head […]

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